Freienmuth Family Letters
Jacob Freienmuth and Louisa Marie Ernst
These letters were written by Jacob Freienmuth and Louisa Marie Ernst to each other before they were married. The letters were written between 1891 and 1893.
Tonganoxie Saturday
Miss Ernst:
Would you like to go to the show to night? If you do please get your self ready. I will be down by 8 o'clock to night if the train is on time if it is not on time, you have to wait if you don't want to go alone of course.
Yours truly, J.F.
Tonganoxie A/s 25 1891
Dear Louisa!
You were looking for me to day I know. I am sorry for you that you had to look in vain, but I promised to Will I come out to him to day so I went out there. I was not out there for a long time. I wish that you could be there too. I was thinking about you most of the time, and what a nice time could have, if we were together. I hope you spent the day the best you could. Now don't be mad at me, you know that I love you, it was very hard for me to stay a way, our next meeting will be so much more happier, don't you think so. I expect to be down next Saturday evening if nothing else turns up. I hope Mrs. Hetlich will get over her spell by that time or Sat. She got another one already. I hope you are in good heath and humor. I would be very glad to get an answer from you, if you feel like to write to me.
Yours in love J.F.
Lawrence, Kans. Oct 29, 1891
Dear Jake,
I received your most welcome letter Monday afternoon. I was pleased to hear from you. I looked for you until about three o'clock Sunday, and as you did not come I made up my mind that you had worked Saturday night and that you --- the day in, sleeping. I will tell you how I put in the time. After dinner was over I went out walking with Maggie for about an hour and then I came home and did some mending for Henry which took me about an hour and a half; it comes quite handy for a boy to have a sister some times. Don't you think so? After supper I went to church with Auntie and Maggie. Although my time was occupied I was thinking about you, but you need not worry about me being mad for I am not the least bit mad.
It is not more than right that you should spend the Sunday with your brother and family once in a while.
Maggie came here a week ago Monday and went home today. She has been inquiring for you and she sends her regards to you.
Auntie is in pretty fair humor but there's no telling how long she will stay so.
I hope that nothing will happen to prevent you from coming next Saturday evening, as I will be looking for you but in case you do not come, write and let me know how you are. Well I must close for it is bedtime.
Yours Truly, Louisa
Office of Tonganoxie Roller Mills
Tonganoxie, Kas. Thur 18, 1892
3:30 am
Dear Louisa
I received your letter Saturday evening and I must say I was disappointed because I was sure to see you that evening. You say in your letter you don't know when you would be back again, so I did not answer until now. I am working nights this week, and getting along all right. I went out to Will's Sunday before last, and last Sunday I was at home all day reading. I hope you had a good time out in the country among your hayseed friends, are you at home again.
I would like to know. Please let me know when you want to see me again.
Yours as ever Jake
Office of Tonganoxie Roller Mills
Tonganoxie, Kas. Jan 26, 1892
2 AM
Dear Louisa
I know you are looking for a letter from me so I want to write to you. I am sorry for you if you expected to see me last Sunday. I had to work all night Saturday, and Sunday I slept most of the time, I spend some time mending my clothing I was thinking about you the same time. It was such a nice day, but I never left the house. I was dreaming about you in the afternoon. I saw you walking on the street, all alone with your brown dress on, is that it? I hope you had a good time if you were out. How is Onkel getting along? The mill is running nights again I do not know how long. I expect to be down next Saturday evening if I don't have to work.
I hope you are well and happy.
My best regards with a kiss
Yours truly J.F.
I would like to hear from you
Lawrence, Kan, Jan 28, 1892
Dear Jake,
I received your most welcome letter yesterday morning and was very much pleased to hear from you.
I did not much look for you Sunday, being the mill had not run for several days. I thought you would have to work Saturday night to make up for lost time.
Friday night
Dear Jake, I wrote this letter last but have not mailed it yet and am glad I did not mail it for I did not get to go to the country as I expected and am not very sorry for it for I would rather be at home Sunday if you can possibly come down tomorrow evening I would be very glad to see you. I will take this letter to the post office so you will be sure to get it tomorrow. Scuse my poor writing for I wrote in a hurry. Goodbye till I see you. Yours truly, Louisa
Lawrence, Ks, Feb 12, 1892
2:30 P.M.
Dear Jake
I thought I would write you a few lines to let you know that I will not be home Sunday. I am going in the country this afternoon. I do not know when I will get back. I hope you will not be mad about it. I would like to see you but you know I have promised to go to the country so you will have to pass your time away best you can. You might employ part of your time next Sunday in writing to me I would be pleased to hear how you are getting along. I remain as your true love.
Lawrence, Kan. Feb 18, 1892
Dear Jake,
Your letter reached me about a half an hour ago. I was glad to hear from you, for it seems a long time since I have heard from you and I was longing to hear from you.
I reached home Sunday evening about seven o'clock. I had a very good time in the country, but I was thinking how much better I would have enjoyed myself if you would have been with me Sunday.
I was looking for a letter all the week, but of course you did not know when I would be home.
I got an invitation to a leap year ball from the girls dancing club, at this ball the girls ask the boys to go to the ball, and if the boys do not refuse to go, the girls take the boys to and from the ball, and pay the expenses but I am all most afraid to ask my fellow for fear he will say no.
I would very much like to take you to the ball. It will take place on the 20 of Feb if you can arrange it so you can go to it. I wish you would go. You say you are working nights I hope you will not need to work Saturday night so that you can come to see me Saturday evening for I am very anxious to see you again, just think it is going on three weeks since I have seen you.
Well I must close for this time hoping to see you soon.
Good Bye
Yours truly Louisa
Tonganoxie Roller Mills
Tonganoxie, Kas. Mar 3, 1892
My Dear Love,
You told me last Sunday that I promised to write a silly letter to you. I forgot all about it last week, so I will make up and write to you. Now you can take this for a silly or a sensible letter, but it is the truth all the same, and if you don't believe it I will make you believe.
I do not know how to start in, but the best I can do is to tell you that I love you more than anybody in this crooked world, how do you like that do you believe it? I hope you do. I told you that before and I like to prove it to you. I would never have asked you to be my wife if I did not love you. Because I would not get married for anything else, and I am going to marry you in spite of all the sisters in law I got if you have no objection. I am old bachelor and that sort of an animal is very apt to get crank once in a while but you must not pay any attention to it. He will likely make a pretty fair husband. I love you straight and true like a man should do not like a silly schoolboy. I do not believe in a romantic love, that sort doesn't last long, don't you think so too? Now if you made up your mind to be openhearted and true to me as I am to you, there will be no trouble to get along all right. I don't know whether I have told you all this before or not, but it will do no harm I think. It is my intention to make you as happy as possible, of course you don't expect that time will pass smooth and nice all the time without a scrap once a while. It makes life more interesting anyhow. I am thinking of you most of the time, and how nice it will be, when we have our next build. Well I will shorten this silly letter, so you don't get tired reading. I been writing this in the mill I have to work tonight. I do not know how long it will last. If this letter makes you laugh I hope it will do you lots of good.
Goodby my backwood beauty.
Your true loving dearly Jake.
Lawrence, Ks. March 4, 1892
Dear Jake
I was somewhat surprised at getting such a long letter from you and it pleased me very much to hear you speak the way you did, but I must say that this is the first love letter you have written me, in your other letters you wrote like a mere friend, and not a lover. You say you love me and are true to me. I believe it but you do not seem to think that I am true to you. But I am sure that a girl cannot be more true than I am and have been to you the last nine months. Of course I have not been speaking very much about how much I love you, for I think it is a man's place to make love to the girl and not the girl to the young man. But up till now, you have spoken but very little about love to me and you know now I am "so du mir so ich dir."
My thoughts are with you most of the time and I am always painting pictures of happiness of the future, in mind when you and I will be as one working hand in hand and trying our best to make one another happy.
Jake I am looking for you tomorrow evening and I will be at home waiting for you, so be sure and come, do not disappoint me. With this I must close wishing you pleasant dreams.
From your true love, Louisa
P.S. You did not say for me to answer your letter, but I thought you would perhaps be looking for one, so I wrote.
Lawrence, Kas. March 13, 1892
Dear Jake
I promised you I would write you a letter so you would get it by the first of April. It is very windy today and I think it will rain before tomorrow.
You and I were visiting with noon after and I got a bunch of --- of which --- --- you a
We have a new boarder and it is a man --- that I hope it will be so that --- --- come to see me --- --- to I will be looking for you. So come if you do not –- to --- and --- noted --- come please – and your letter soon. Well I must -– for this -- -- hope to see - no hear - from you soon.
Yours truly, Louisa
P.O. These flowers –- water and wear them.
Tonganoxie, Kas. --- 16, 1892
Dear Lou,
I am very sorry that I have to disappoint you again, but it is not my fault. I had to work Sunday night. I worked Friday night and it was my intention to come down Saturday evening but I did not feel good when I got up, so I was to come down Sunday. Sunday morning we received a telegram from the old man that we had to start up the mill Sunday evening. I was mad I did not like it at all, I never do know when I have to work nights. This is one reason that I never can tell you for certain when I can come down, you have to get used to it, that is the best advice I can give you, and not to get disappointed. Now do you like this kind of weather? We had a big fire here last week. The city hotel and the bank burned down, no lives lost. I expect to be down next Saturday, if nothing else turns up. I hope you are well.
Yours as ever Jake.
Lawrence, Ks March 18, 1892
Dear Jake
I received your short, but welcome letter Wednesday. I was sorry to hear that you had not been feeling well and hope that by this time you are feeling better.
I must say I was very much disappointed when you did not come Saturday evening, had I not been so sure you were coming I would have written you a letter of congratulation to your birthday but I thought I would congratulate you personally on Saturday evening; by what you said in your letter, you celebrated your birthday by sleeping and feeling bad "Poor Jake".
Minnie was here and she wanted Auntie and I to go up town with her, but I stayed at home waiting for you to come, and when they came home and found you had not come, you should have heard Minnie tease me. She declared you went to see some girl in Tonga. She was in very good humor.
I read about the big fire in the Journal but then a large building or two burning down in such a large city as Tonga will never be missed.
I must shorten my letter as I am very tired, Auntie and I finished sewing carpet rags, we have sewed about thirty pounds since you were here the last time and just think we killed a rat that got into the room a half an hour ago that is I was chasing it and screaming while Auntie killed it, and I have not got over the scare yet.
I am expecting you tomorrow evening so come, unless you have to work, of course business before pleasure.
Yours as ever, Louisa
P.S. Finished this letter at 11:30 o'clock
--- 30, 1892
Kansas City, MO April 14, 1892
Dear Jake
Well I am still here in KC having a good time. Had I known I were going to stay here so long I would have given you my address, that is my present address.
But maybe you were not anxious to write to me while I am in KC Oh but the good time I am having, no one to give me a cross word or to tell me how foolish or tiresome I am getting to be, but I think if I do not go home soon, I will be getting tiresome and wear out my welcome, but to show (me) you that am not so homesick as you supposed I would be, I am staying so long.
Jake what do you think about my staying down here and getting employment? I have been looking for a job but until now have not been successful in finding one, but perhaps by the first of May I will be able to find something to do. But I guess I will go home tomorrow and wait until then and if by that time I can get a job I will return. Now don't you think that would be nice? You could ride on the cars that much farther, every Sunday, when you come to visit me.
Last Sunday was not a pretty day but nevertheless I was out in the afternoon, having a good time. Mrs. Montgomery took Ollie, Flora and I to the theatre, while there I was thinking about you and wishing that you were with me. Oh but I forget you do not attend theater but church on a Sunday in the evening my thoughts were with you, was wondering how you were passing away the time if you were having a love spat with another girl but I guess not.
It has been so disagreeable this week that I have been compelled to stay in the house, until today. Lizzie and I were running around all afternoon.
I did not write Auntie one letter while down here, but then I imagined she did not care to hear from me. What do you think about it?
If you are not mad at me any more and would like to see me, I am sure it would give me great pleasure to see you gain. It seems such a long time since the last time you in Lawrence to see me.
I will surely be home Saturday, if not before. So come to Lawrence Saturday evening if you can, or else on Sunday. For I am anxious to see you again in case you cannot, be sure and write me a long letter Sunday.
Hoping to see you soon I must close wishing you "good night" and pleasant dreams.
Yours in the bonds of love, Louisa.
Kansas City, MO
April 18, 1892
Dear Jake,
Undoubtedly you will be surprised to hear from me at this place but perhaps Mrs. Chinzsler told you I went to S-—as she was at the depot when I left Lawrence. I also saw two of Mrs. Elliot's daughters while I was waiting for the train to pull in. I had a good notion to send you a message through them, but as I did not know them to speak to, I thought I had better not. I arrived here a quarter after five Wednesday evening and just think I found the way from the depot to Montgomery's all alone.
I did not tell you that I was going to go to Kansas City last Sunday for I did not know I was going for sure.
Mrs. Montgomery is in very poor health. She is under the doctor's care; she is not able to do her work. She has a girl to do her work. The doctor says that she is in a bad condition and if she is not careful she will go into consumption. He thinks a change of climate would be the best medicine and he advised her to go to Denver Colo. As soon as she can get ready to leave.
So I think they will move out to Denver by the first of May.
I hope you have got over being mad by this time. Oh, by the way, how did you enjoy yourself at KC Monday? Did your old girl say she was pleased to see you? And did she give you a smatz well. I guess she did -– not.
I will remain here until next Wednesday, but I will write you another letter when I get home.
Now enjoy yourself next Sunday the best you can but then I guess you will, without my telling you, for I know you will not have me to act so foolish as to get tired of me like last Sunday but Jake after this, I will try and conduct myself in such a manner that you will not call foolish and tiresome, but sensible and agreeable.
I am having a good time and the weather is pleasant.
Well I must close for this time, hoping this letter will find you in good health and also in a good humor.
Goodbye till we see each other again.
Your True Love, Louisa Ernst
PS Please excuse a poorly written letter, as my pen is poor.
Lawrence, Kansas April 19, 1892
Dear Jake,
I reached home Sunday night after having spent almost two weeks in Kansas City. I know you did not expect me to stay so long for you thought I would get homesick and it is for that reason I stayed as long as I did.
I must acknowledge that I was and am sill homesick to see you. I had fully intended to be home Sunday as you could see by the letter I wrote you and I will tell you how it came about that I remained in KC.
I wrote the letter Thursday evening and Friday Lizzie and I went uptown and I mailed the letter. On our way home I, that is, Lizzie and I, called on Francis Hentwig and when I told her how long I had been in KC she says to me, you're a nice one, have been down here so long and have not been to see me and she wanted me to spend a few days with her. I told her that I was expected home the next day and that I could not stay and Lizzie give it away, she told her that I had just mailed a letter to my fellow and he was the one expecting me home. So she says well that can easily be remedied if it is your fellow and not your aunt that's expecting you home. So she gave me a postal card and said, I should tell you I would spend Sunday in KC. At first I would not listen to it, but she finally persuaded me to write as I did, for all I had a good time Sunday. I often thought of you, wondering how you were passing away the time and wished you were with me now Jake don't be mad at me for staying as long as I did. I should be very sorry if you are, but if you are we will kiss and make up the next time you come down won't we? Just think this is the third letter I am writing to, to your none.
We are having company from Sioux City, Iowa. Mrs. Protch with her two sons and little girl. They moved away about two years ago and now they are moving back again.
Well I must shorten my letter as I am getting cold. I am writing in the parlor without fire and the weather is quite chilly.
Jake, I hope you will answer this letter as soon as you receive it and tell me how you are getting along for I am anxious to know. I know, I will be home –-
Tonganoxie April 19th, 1892
Dear Louisa,
I received both your letters and also your postcard. Your first letter surprised me and the second letter hurt me very much. I did not expect that from you that you can just leave. In your letter you write that you are not homesick and you wanted me to know that. That doesn't show you in a good light. I would have not done anything like that.
You act like I was tired of you; I have never said that. My love to you is still the same. It feels like you want to be rid of me. The little misunderstanding we had last Sunday would not have made you so bull headed if you really loved me. Your staying in Kansas City shows that you don't love me. I was looking forward to seeing you, but when I received your postcard I felt like someone dumped water all over me. On that certain Sunday I was just as much at fault as you were. You didn't allow me anymore than any other girl would allow her fiancee. You get angry at any little remark I make. You know that I get into my moods sometimes. Whoever talked you into moving to Kansas City? It looks like you were bored in Lawrence. You write that it would be nice for me to come to Kansas City every weekend. I have to say that you are getting awfully smart. I think you are more worried about yourself than anyone else. In Kansas City you can do as you please. If you can't get along with your aunt anyway you might as well work in Lawrence. I have always loved you with all my heart and was always honest with you and I am still honest with you even if you don't believe this. Therefore I am telling you now if you are moving to Kansas City then we are through. Think about your decision and let me know by Saturday.
In the meantime I remain your Jake
He was cross and she was cross:
Like other master, misses;
They both fell out and knew not why
He sulked, and she began to cry,
Till both were sorry, by and by,
And made it up with kisses.
Tonganoxie, Kas. April 28, 1892
My Treasure (Darling),
Here is the letter I promised you. You have to excuse if it is short, but we are working nights and there is not much happening. You can only see the stars and the moon if it is shining which it is not. Otto Fischer and Con???? Really went to see Will last Sunday but couldn't stay very long. I received a letter yesterday from a friend in Texas. The grass is growing and the trees are turning green and my love to you is growing also. I didn't take any money to the bank because I didn't have any to take. My dear Louise, you probably I think I am stupid for all the stuff that I am writing, but you wanted a letter from me. I am so glad that we made up again. It hurts me every time we ~, have a fight. I am feeling well and hope the same from you. ~, ~
With love,
Lawrence, Ks April 28, 1892
Dear Jake,
I received your short but welcome letter this afternoon was glad to hear that your health is good, but poor fellow can't put any money in the bank, when other young men can put in thirty two dollars in one day.
I am so sorry, if I had any money I would give it you, so you would have some to put in the bank but poor me has not a cent.
You don't mean to say that the grass and trees are getting green in Tonga. Why I am surprised.
We have had company every day this week. You know I was looking for Bertha lef Kintzeler. Well she was here on Tuesday and stayed a whole half an hour.
Fannie Walter came Monday and stayed a couple of days and today we had a caller from Chicago.
I had already heard that Otto Fischer and company went to Tonga. His cousin, Mrs. Leoch was here Monday morning and she told us about it.
There was a grand wedding over at the Congregational Church last night; I guess all hacks and carriages of Lawrence were hired for the occasion, for the street in front of our house, or rather Auntie's house was filled with them.
We were watching the people going to and from the wedding. It took place at seven o'clock and the style, my! It was out of sight.
They wore dresses, all colors of the rainbow. We saw the bride also. I guess you think I was very much interested. Of course that is natural for me to be interested in weddings, as you know I expect to have a wedding of my own someday, but I do not intend to make a show of myself like the bride of last night.
I do not think you foolish for writing as you did, for I know there is not much news in a city like Tonganoxie.
As you told me you would come down Monday night and not Sunday, I will not be looking for you Sunday so enjoy yourself the best you can. With this I must close. Goodnight
Your true love Louisa
Lawrence, Kans May 1, 1892
Dear Jake,
When your letter reached me yesterday, it took me by surprise. Before I opened the letter I thought sure that it was a joke on me, by one of the boys in the mill for the handwriting did not look anything like yours. It was more like that of a bookkeeper's handwriting and then again I thought I was getting a new correspondent.
Why did you not get Mr. Love or whoever it was, to write the letter for you also? Was it because I changed so much or is it because he does not know how to write "love letters". No doubt you'd drank only one glass of beer. Monday but you know there is any but difference in the size of glasses. Some are small while others are very large. I think you must have used the large glass.
Du sagst die Muhle lauft nicht das glaubl ich schon, den su hat ja keine "bein."
Am pleased to know that you were thinking about me Monday. My thoughts are with you most of the time only not when I am asleep.
But won't you look fine with your new suit Sunday. Maybe I will not be fine enough to go along with you after you get your new suit of clothes and won't all the girls think you're nice (at least I think so and I like for them to think the same of you.
I am glad that Saturday is so near at hand so I will get to see you again. I will be looking for you at noon.
I am almost ashamed to send you this letter—-because it is so poorly written.
Your true love, Louisa.
Tonganoxie May 4th 1892
Dear Louisa,
I am sure my postcard on Monday disappointed you very much. It wasn't my fault. It wouldn't have been any fun to go to the circus after all this rain. I asked the boss on Saturday evening if we would work on Monday night, but he told me he didn't know for sure. You can never get a straight answer from him. If the weather is nice next Sunday maybe we can go for a drive or go for a nice walk. I was thinking about coming to see you last Sunday, but you wrote that you were not expecting me so I stayed here. Will drove his wife to the Depot and then I went home with him and stayed there until 5:00 o'clock. After supper I wrote two letters; one to my brother Edward and one to my friend in Texas. I am going to put some money in the bank this week. I should get paid for a whole month. I feel sorry for you that you are poor as a church mouse. I would love to help you out but you wouldn't accept my help.
So Miss Kintkeo??? came to see you for half an hour. Her time must be very valuable. Next time you go see her do the same thing to her. How are you doing? I hope fine. I read the story about the wedding in the newspaper. I figured it would interest you, like it does all young girls. Old bachelors like me don't worry about things like that.
Well, I have to make my rounds through the mill; I will probably have to work nights all week.
In a cool valley
there goes a mill wheel
Lots of greetings from your flour worm who loves you.
Lawrence, Kan. May 6, 1892
Dear Jake,
I received both your letter and postal card, was very glad to hear from you. Your card did not reach me until Tuesday morning, saying you could not come Monday evening. I would have been very much disappointed had it not rained. It began to pour down in torrents about six o'clock and rained for an hour. So that is the reason I was not looking for you to come, not because I received your card. I was very much put out when it rained so hard, not that I cared so much for the circus, but to think that I was going to be cheated out of seeing you. But then I am not blaming you, as it was no fault of yours.
The reason I wrote that I was not looking for you last Sunday was because you told me you were not coming Sunday but Monday instead. Now you know well enough that I did not want you to stay away, for I am pleased to see you at all times. I was home all day Sunday "and a long day it was" also all evening and all alone by "my own self". I had a letter from my Emporia friend this morning.
We cleaned house today and quit about fifteen minutes ago, that was ten or look and feel tired and sleepy, so I must shorten my letter.
Auntie is not feeling well this evening; she and I moved the stoves upstairs this morning, and she has been complaining ever since. I think she over lifted; moving and lifting stoves is no work for a woman of her age, but then I could not very well do it alone.
I have not been feeling well all week but am feeling better now. Please excuse the lateness of my letter, you might possibly not get it unless you go to the office tomorrow evening, but then we will see each other Sunday and say all we have to say personally. Be sure and come if you can possibly for I am anxious to see you again.
From your backwoods darling, Louisa
Tonganoxie, May 12, 1892
Dear Louisa,
I am sorry if this letter will be very short. I don't have a lot of time but I want to keep my promise and write to you. We started working nights on Wednesday. I couldn't even go to the wedding. Will went to Lawrence in the evening and his wife went in the afternoon. Ida came to the mill before she went to the train station, but she didn't say one word about the wedding.
I didn't get an invitation; they just overlooked me as if I didn't exist. I will do the same thing to them when our time comes. I do to you like you do unto me. Don't you go along with this, darling?
Dear Louisa, as you can see we don't belong to the upper crust, but I think we are just as good as they are, it did upset me a little. I wouldn't have gone to the wedding anyway even if they would have sent me an invitation. Well, enough of that I am sure you were thinking about the wedding, too. My thoughts were with you. Did you think a little about me? Please save the newspaper for me. I am sure there was a big write-up about the wedding in it I don't know for sure if I can come next Sunday. If I am not there by noon don't expect me. If I can't make it then please answer this letter next week.
With all my love Jake
Tonganoxie, May 14, 1892
I received your letter and I was so happy to get such a long one. You write that I should write you a love letter. This is easier said than done. I would also like to get a love letter from you just for an example. You told me once that it wasn't the girl's job to make love but the man's. I would like to know who put this in your head. I wouldn't like for you to make love to anyone else. Here in Kansas the ladies are supposed to have the same rights as the men; therefore they can be the initiator and seduce the men. So don't be shy. If I was a writer I would write you a love letter that would make you dizzy. But I don't think you expect that from me.
I am glad you had fun last Sunday. You couldn't have spent your day more useful. I am sorry I couldn't be with you. I had a terrible headache on Sunday so I decided not to come. In the afternoon I got to feeling a little better and then I wished I would have come to see you but then it was too late. I thought about visiting Will but I stayed at home and read and laid around. I read all your love letters again even though I read them normally two or three times before I put them into my trunk. After supper I went for a walk around the village and I thought about you how nice it would be if we were together.
Mrs. Kinzler and Metz came to the house for a visit in the afternoon. They evidently talked about you. Mrs. Pierce told me later that Bertha said that you were such a pretty and hard working girl. If your aunt would have heard that. As you can see other people think more highly of you than your aunt and I agree with them. I didn't hear one word about Otto's wedding. I didn't ask Will and he didn't say anything. Will just said that he was upset that they didn't send me an invitation. I told Will that I didn't really expect an invitation, but if they would have any manners they would have sent me one. I wouldn't have gone anyway. I am sure Will told Eda and she probably let the right people know. II is raining every 24 hours. I am working nights. I haven't been feeling well for a while. I hope you will be satisfied with the length of this letter. I promise you that I will visit you next Sunday for sure as I am homesick for you.
I love you
Lawrence, Kan May 16, 1892
Dear Jake,
Your letter of last week reached me in due time.
It was too bad you were compelled to work last Wednesday night so you could not even attend the wedding.
I was indeed surprised to hear you was not invited and to think Eda did not even say a word about it, but I suppose she knew very well that you had no invitation and thought it best to keep mum.
The young folks of the Turnverein got up a party and are going to give Otto and his wife a surprise at the Turner hall this evening. The boys of the house have already gone to the hall. I received an invitation this morning, but am not going, being you are not here to go with me. The papers did not have very much to say about the wedding. I cut out a couple of items, which I will send you in this letter.
Yes, Jake we will do the same when our time comes, we will not have Otto and his wife at our wedding, for all, I think we are just as good as they are, only they have more "cash."
Yesterday was a very pretty day and I was in hopes until noon that you would come down to Lawrence, but noon came but no Jake. It would have been a lonely Sunday had it not been for Henry's coming to take me out walking in the afternoon. I believe we walked at least three miles, after supper, I went out again with uncle and auntie. It was after nine when we got home. My! But I was tired, my feet felt as though they were blistered when I reached home. Had you been walking with me I know I would not have thought of being tired for I never get tired when in your company; my thoughts were with you many a time while I was out walking, wondering what you were doing all day and if you were thinking about your Louisa of the "back woods" or if you were perhaps sleeping all day long without once thinking of her.
The boys were teasing me yesterday because you did not come; they said the track must have washed away being you did not get here. I told them it must be something of the kind or you surely would have come.
But wasn't it something terrible the way it rained last week?
I have never seen the river so high before. For a while there was danger of the bridge being taken. The Eudora bridge they were building was washed away.
Dottie Baldwin's mother was buried yesterday.
I hope this letter will find you well and happy. Write me a long love letter. I remain as ever your true love, Louisa
Lawrence, Ks May 20, 1892
Dear Jake,
Your letter reached me yesterday afternoon about three o'clock. Was looking for one in the morning and at noon was watching for the mail carrier from one o'clock until three. I was cleaning the kitchen but did not make much headway, until your letter arrived and its contents read over a couple of times. After finding out what you had to say I felt happy and my work was much easier and more quickly done.
Was very sorry to hear that you were feeling so bad Sunday and hope by this time you are feeling perfectly well again.
You say the ladies want as much right as a man, don't think it more than right that they should have, but I think they do not have near as much, nor ever will have. But when it comes to love making they generally do their part, at least to the man they love, having reference to myself. I have been encouraging you all I could, so that you should love me; of course I did not propose to you for fear you would think me bold but gave you my answer readily, without hesitation which I would not have done, had I not loved you and you may rest assuredly that I will continue to do so.
What do you think? I saw a table dance tonight. The spirits were the cause of it. Auntie, Minnie, Mrs. Gnefgow and myself were down at Fischer's this evening on purpose to see it done. Now I know you don't believe in such nonsense but I think there is something in it. Mrs. Fischer was inquiring about you; she wanted to know if you are coming Sunday, and if you are, you and I should come to see them.
Jake, please excuse this poorly written letter for I have not the time to take pains.
I am so glad Sunday is so near at hand, so you can come down to see me. Just think! It will be two weeks since I have seen you.
With love from your own Louisa
Tonganoxie May 26, 1892
Dear Louisa,
I received your nice letter from last Saturday and I enjoyed reading how you defend the female side. I am sorry that you waited for a letter at the beginning of the week. If nothing happens I will see you next Sunday. I was in Kansas City on Tuesday. I wanted to visit Montgomery's but it was hot and dusty so I went back home the same evening. The mill was shut off at night this week so I asked the boss if I could take off a few days. I thought it would do me good to get a few breaths of fresh air. Yesterday afternoon I went to visit Will. Ms. Fischer, Anna and another girl were there. I will tell you in person how they received me. It takes too long to write it down. It was very interesting and I was very amused.
That is all the news I have. I hope that all is well with you. I am always thinking about you with love in my heart. As always I hope you can read this letter. My pen wasn't doing so well. Auf Wiedersehen
With Love Jake
Tonganoxie May 30, 1892
Dear Louisa,
I am sure that a little letter from me will surprise you. Therefore I am going to write you a few lines. To bring some excitement into our correspondence I am writing you in two colors. If it doesn't suit your taste then you can just burn the letter but I don't think you will do that. Maybe you think that I had one too many to drink. I did drink today but only one glass of beer. The mill is not running today. If I would have known this I would have stayed in Lawrence. I was really upset about it. It really was hot today. You must have really been sweating, poor girl, I would have liked to have wiped the sweat off your forehead. Don't burn your hands on the iron. I almost forget to tell you that I dreamed about you last night. I wished it was Saturday already just to be near you. When I came to Mrs. Fischer's house this morning she had already done the laundry. She must have gotten up really early. I think Will and his family is also going to Lawrence next Sunday. We had a lot of rain last night. I don't think that we will be working this week at night, which makes me very happy. If I decide to buy me a new suit then I will be in Lawrence on Saturday afternoon.
Dear Louisa, I hope you don't get too bored. Think about me sometimes.
Kiss your Jake
Tonganoxie June 5, 1892
Dear Louisa,
I received your nice letter. I was very amused about what you said about the mill. If you ever saw a mill like that then you have seen more than I did.
Mr. Love wrote the address on my last letter. It was my intention to surprise you and I think I succeeded.
My darling, my boss killed my plans again. I had to work tonight and I think I have to work tomorrow night. If I am not there by 8:30 p.m. then don't count on me. I hope the weather stays nice so our plans don't get ruined.
With love Jake
Lawrence, Kansas June 16, 1892
Dear Jake,
I received your most welcome letter this afternoon, was pleased to hear from you and to know that you are feeling well considering the hot weather.
I think it will be cooler after this much needed rain. It has been raining since seven o'clock. It is now past nine and it is still raining. Auntie, Rieke, and a half a dozen others took a trip east this morning just think how far they went, all the way to Eudora. They went at eight o'clock this morning and got home at seven this evening. It being so warm today made them all very thirsty, they say they drank a good bit of Eudora mineral water. I think it must have had a stick in it.
Auntie did not get sun struck yet, but almost frightened to death; this morning she saw a snake running before her, while on her way to the graveyard, and she gave a scream as though the old "nick" was after her.
I also saw a snake in the yard last Monday evening and I took a hatchet and killed it. Wasn't I brave? They say if you kill the first snake you see in the season, it will bring good luck. When that good luck comes I will share it with you. Won't that be nice?
Tonganoxie must have a good many jealous hearted people. I feel sorry for any one that is jealous hearted, for it causes so much unhappiness. I think that woman very foolish for trying to kill herself. That is something I never intend to do, but then one never knows what the future will bring.
I am very thankful that I am not jealous hearted.
Henry has written several letters to Philip and I this week. He was sick a bed the next day after his examination, but says he is well again and that he has not been so happy for a long time. He sent his best regards to you and says he is very sorry he did not get to see you before he left.
Yes, Jake, I am always dreaming about the future and thinking of the happiness that is in store for me. Come down to see me Sunday if you can. Rieke is going home Sunday and I know you would like to bid her goodbye.
Auntie says to tell you need not be figuring on a black suit. She is not going to kick the bucket yet. I must close, as there is no more room to write.
Your Truly, Louisa
Tonganoxie June 16, 1892 2:00 a.m.
Dear Louisa,
I have to tell you a gruesome story which happened last Sunday while I was gone. This is it: An older lady hanged herself but her husband found her before she died and cut the rope. It took quite a while before she became conscious. Her husband owns a newspaper here in town. He is quite old and gray haired. The reason for her suicide attempt was jealousy. Just think two old people and they are jealous. They had a maid living with them and evidently the husband paid the maid too much attention.
On Monday evening four atheists were baptized in the Tonga river and freed of their sins. The whole town of Tonganoxie was present to take part in that big event. I couldn't be there since I had to work. The mill will probably be running all week. How is your aunt doing? I hope she doesn't have any more crazy ideas like she had last Monday. It is very hot here. I have a hard time sleeping in the day time. Other than that I feel pretty good. I hope you are in dreamland and dreaming about your Jake while I am writing this letter. I am constantly thinking about last Sunday and how much fun we had together.
I am ending this letter and hope that it will reach you in good health
From your faithful Jake
Tonganoxie June 22, 1892
My dear darling,
I thought I better write you a letter so you don't think I wouldn't keep my promise. You have to excuse my writing. It looks like I used a match stick and shoe polish like the Chinese people write. I want you to know that I love you even though in this heat I can hardly think straight. I am glad that you love me too and I know that it is very hot where you are. So we are both in the same situation. Be happy with this short love story. I just wanted you to know that everything I do for you I do because I love you. In my next letter I will tell you more about this.
Last Saturday we had more excitement here in town. A wife beat up her husband in boxer style. She is huge. I know them both. Yes, I think Tonganoxie is turning into a big city. I don't think we will be working nights this week, but I don't know for sure yet. Did John get any people together yet for the picnic? I hear Pendleton went bankrupt. Please let me know in time. I will let you know on Saturday if I can come. Stay well and happy. I am ending this letter now since it is so hot and I can't think anymore.
With hot love Jake
Lawrence, Ks June 23, 1892
Dear Jake,
Your most welcome letter reached me this afternoon, was very glad to hear form you, but sorry to hear that you suffer so with the heat from the rays of the moon, that is to shine next week.
It has been very warm this whole week, causing me to feel very uncomfortable and cross at times, but then I will be "gutes muthts" for your sake, for I feel certain of one thing and that is I will not always have to sweat in a hot kitchen like I do now and then not get any thanks for it.
When Jake and I go to housekeeping we will arrange things differently we will keep a "cold" stove in our kitchen and fix it so the moon will not shine in it. It will be a pleasure for me to work then, and nothing will be too much for me to do, for the one I love.
I don't think John has tried to get anyone to go along with us to the picnic, but am not quite sure. It is just as well if he doesn't; we can have all the fun to ourselves.
I will be looking for you Saturday evening.
Uncle is in a very ban humor. I guess he has been smelling the cork, freely. Mr. Morris is boarding here; his wife went to Colorado.
It is so warm and I am so sleepy, that I will have to close hoping this letter will find you in the best of health.
Your darling Louisa
Tonganoxie, July 8, 1892 2:00 a.m.
Dear Louisa,
I don't really know what to write to you. I know you want a letter even if I only write nonsense. Well, I guess I will tell you what happened since Tuesday morning. I arrived happy and healthy at the Depot. I had to wait for the train until10:00 o'clock. It made me mad that I wasted so much time at the station in Lawrence instead of spending it with you. In the afternoon I had to work very hard, so I went to bed really early. The next day we were very busy and tonight I have to work again. I heard that the picnic on the 4th of July was a big success and that they made quite a bit of money on their sales. They said that they had a dance Grove without lights just in the moonlight and mostly farm boys in shirt sleeves were there. How about the fishing trip next Sunday? Did you get the details yet from John? Let me know if nobody wants to go. We can also go alone which is fine with me. Maybe Phillip would like to go. Try to let me know by Saturday evening. How are you and your aunt and great aunt doing? I hope very well.
I hope to see you soon and that you are in a good mood. Sorry this letter is so short. Don't punish me with a short letter like you normally do.
With Love your Jake
Lawrence, Kan July 8, 1892
My darling Jake:
Your most welcome letter reached me this afternoon. Was pleased to hear from you but sorry to know you spent so much time at the depot Tuesday morning when you could have just as well spent that time with your girl from the back woods, but perhaps it was just as well for she had to pitch in and help wash after you left. The wash woman has not showed herself yet this week.
I had a letter from Henry this week. He intends to leave Lucas in a short time. A friend of his stopped off here to see him about taking his job, but as Henry had left, he wrote to him and I think Henry will take it.
All aboard! For the picnic, John has got a small crowd together. Charley Achning and wife Emma Achning and Leotholtz. Be sure to come tomorrow evening and we well take a moonlight walk. Lawrence that will be F.A.R. has been out in the country helping to load wheat. It sells for 8 cents a bushel.
Auntie is in a pretty good humor. "Sie sugt Sie macht kliene arbeiten gir nichts."
Philip and I spent the evening with our cousin that you met here not many Sundays ago. We got home rather late so I have not much time to write as it is getting very late. It is time for all honest folks to be in bed and the rogues on their way.
I remain as ever your true love, Louisa
PS Jake when you are sitting all alone,
Thinking of your girls of the past,
Remember you now have a girl,
Whose love for you
Will forever last.
Tonganoxie July 13, 1892
Dear Louisa,
As the old saying goes, if you dare you have half won the battle and every beginning is hard and that how I feel about writing this letter. But since you demanded a letter I have to write you one. It is too bad how the ladies can get the men to do everything they want them to. I never would have thought that I would become a victim, but I can't resist your eyes. Arrived in Tonga O.K. and the train wasn't late this time, in fact I almost missed it. It has been so hot here yesterday and today that it really is no fun. I thought about you how you have to stand in that hot kitchen. I bet you got hot on Monday when you did the laundry. Are you doing well or do you have a hang-over from the picnic? I thought it was a lot of fun. Received a letter from Ed yesterday. He informed me that he is getting married and his wife to be is German and has only been in the country for about two years and she is 22 years old. That is all I know about her. Ed is 23 years older than she is. I never thought that Ed would ever get married. He is 45 years old. Must be a late bloomer like it happens sometimes with old bachelors. So you see there is not such a great difference in our ages. I better stop talking about my brother's wedding before you get the idea that I should talk about our wedding. I will as soon as the weather gets cooler. Don't you agree? Let's not rush into things. Has your aunt heard anything about the position as a superintendent? Maybe you can get a job there as a dishwasher? Ha! Ha! Excuse my bad jokes. I better quit writing, my mind is blank and I am tired even though it is only 9:00 p.m. That is always your excuse saying that it is late, you just have to start writing earlier. I might feel better if I had a drink, but since I don't have one I will end this letter.
Your faithful and loving you Jake
Tonganoxie July 18, 1892
Dear Louisa,
I received your nice but very cold letter. Guess you can't handle any teasing, so I better not do that again. Yes, you are right, I have not been anybody's slave and I don't intend to be anyone's either. You evidently have the same philosophy as Will's future wife that it is better to be an old man's darling than a young man's slave. Did the female professor visit you before she saw Will's girlfriend? I didn't even know that she was in town until I saw her from the mill at the depot. So you see she didn't come to see me. It would be a surprise if I came to Lawrence one day and the hotel was closed. I would have to find me a new place to stay and what would poor Louisa do? I couldn't afford to come last Sunday. Don't listen and worry what other people think or say. I just stayed at home and rested and read. Thought about visiting Will but I was too lazy besides I had to work Friday night. We had a lot of rain here.
I did have a funny dream the other night. I dreamed that we were in the hotel together and you took off with another man. I looked for you everywhere but I couldn't find you. When I came back to the hotel room there were a bunch of old women and they tried to make me feel better, but it didn't work. You might want to check in the dream book to see what it means. Probably nothing good. Hope you had a good Sunday and maybe thought about me a little. My thoughts were with you all the time so don't worry that I didn't think about you. I am sorry to hear that you lost your appetite; maybe it fell into the cooking pot. Ha! Ha!
Well, I hope this letter will reach you in good health and with a good appetite.
Your faithful Jake
Lawrence Ks July 21, 1892
Dear Jake,
Your most welcome letter reached its destination Tuesday noon, was pleased to hear from you. Had been looking for a letter Monday already.
Jake, don't think for a minute that I am mad about your making jokes in your letter of last week, for I took it as a joke and what I wrote in answer to it was also meant for a joke. So Minnie Priesach did get a chance to call on you too bad, is it not? Sunday was quite a long day for me, for all I had company both in the afternoon and evening. My thoughts were with you most all times of the day, supposed you were putting in the day sleeping, until you wrote me different.
Had a letter from Henry last Monday morning, wrote that he is growing fat and sassy.
He sent his best regards to you, and wanted to know when it is coming off and that we should not slight him.
That was indeed a queer dream about me, but do not let it worry you as a general thing you have no faith in dreams, so I would not have any faith in this one.
I also dreamt of you last night, but will not write it, as it will take too much time and paper. Will tell you all about it next Sunday when you come.
The heat of this week has been just terrible. Today it's hot and still a-heating. But it is not too hot for me to write for I am not thinking of the heat just now my mind is occupied with something more important.
Mrs. Beaver, formally, Amelia Feil has applied for a divorce (you will have to excuse this poorly written letter for my pen is so poor and I am so poor I can't afford to buy a new one.
I will be looking for you next Sunday, you will not regret coming for it is going to be ever so much cooler in Lawrence next Sunday than in Tonganoxie. If you find a little spare time yet this week wish you would drop me a few lines. With love, from your old girl, Louisa.
Tonganoxie July 28, 1892
Arrived ha y in the big city! Had to work Monday night. This week we are out of wheat. We had to stop working twice this week already. Last night we had a hard rain for about two hours and it is nice and cool. This morning Lizie Retz came with her little brother from Lawrence to visit Will's wife. Since it rained she had to wait for about an hour and I had to entertain her. She should have seen me. You would have turned blue from jealousy. I had to weigh her. She told me that she weighed 137 pounds last winter and now she only weighs 115 pounds.
Last night they threw a black guy from Neely in jail. He was accused of raping a white girl. Two white guys tried to kill him. I tried to write to you last night but I waited until today hoping I would have some more news but nothing happened.
Dear Louisa, I am so glad that half the week is already over and I can see you again on Sunday. Two weeks is a long time not to see you. I feel just like you do. I can think of nothing but you. So hopefully nothing will happen. If I am not there by 3:00 p.m. then don't wait on me. I hope you are well and think about our happy future.
Good bye my darling
Your faithful Jake
Lawrence Kan. August 4, 1892
Dear Jake,
As I am in debt to you for a letter with pleasure will I answer yours of last week.
Aunt and uncle went to the country this morning to hold open the sack so that we will get our share of wheat. The renters will start threshing sometime this afternoon. Auntie will return this evening but uncle will remain until they have finished.
It seems quite nice to be alone for a change. It is now two o'clock and my work is finished so before taking up my sewing thought I would spend about an hour writing to my dear Jake that is about the length of time it will take me to write.
Had a card from Henry Monday saying he was going to Bennington to take his new position, was to leave Lucas on the 10:45 train Monday morning.
The Chicago men left for home yesterday afternoon, disgusted with the Kansas farmers. They both gave me an invitation to come to Chicago to the World's fair and bring my fellow, they meant you, and stop with them. They thought my present fellow would be my husband next year this time. Are you of the same opinion?
Auntie was 52 years old yesterday. She received a number of presents, among them was one came from Tonganoxie from someone whose initials are J.F. I can't imagine who that is. Do you know anyone by that name in your city? Perhaps you don't it is hard to get acquainted in such a large place.
Not knowing any more news I will close, hoping to hear from you before long. From your own true love, Louisa. P.S. My! Isn't it warm today?
Tonganoxie, Kas, August 6, 1892
Dear Louisa,
I received you dear letter last night. This letter will not be very long since I don't have very much time. It was too hot last night to write. I am glad that you had a chance to be alone for a while. I got a card from the sports club yesterday asking me to be at the meeting on Sunday. Guess they can't get along without me.
Your faithful Jake,
Tonganoxie, Kas August 12, 1892
Dear Louisa,
The end of the week is approaching fast and I have to hurry to get a letter to you. I am working nights since Tuesday. Arrived here very happy last Sunday evening, tried to sleep a little in the car, but the bugs kept me awake. They don't bother you anymore since you are used to them. I hope that you are not still upset with me about the little differences we had last weekend. I am sorry it happened. These things happen sometimes since we are no angels. Even angels are not without fault or do you think that you are perfect.
Liebe Louisa sei nicht boese Esse ruhig Deine Kloesse
(Dear Louisa don't be angry) (Eat your potato balls)
I got a letter from Edward telling me that he bought a horse and buggy so he can drive his darling around. You probably wished you had a future husband like that, but I am sorry I didn't get that far yet. We had a good rain. Don't know for sure if I can come next Sunday. If I am not there at the usual time don't expect me. Maybe I will go to Will's house. Hope you are doing well. Give this card to your aunt to calm her nerves and yours if they need calming down.
From your faithful Jake
Lawrence, Kan August 15, 1892
Dear Jacob,
Your letter of last Saturday reached me in due time. Was a little disappointed to learn that you intended to spend Sunday in Tonganoxie or rather in the country. But then I cannot expect you to be here every Sunday and it is no more than right for you to visit your brother's family occasionally. Sorry, the car you were in was so filled ---- that you could not sleep. Although at times I think you queer and do not seem to understand you, I again think it is perhaps my fault and not yours altogether. I will admit that I felt quite angry at you in the manner you spoke the last Sunday you were here, but was over it before you left.
I don't think I ever tried to make you believe I am an angel or that I have no faults, even if I did try, you would not believe me, for you know me too well.
It is very nice for your brother to have a horse and buggy to take his intended out riding, as he lives in the same place she does he can take her out every evening, whereas you could not take me out more than once a week, even if you had a horse and buggy of your own and it would not pay you to feed a horse the whole week for the sake of taking a ride on Sunday.
I see by the paper the whites and blacks almost had war last week in Tonganoxie.
Mr. Montgomery was in Lawrence on a visit for a couple of days. He went back to KC yesterday.
With love and kind wishes I will close. Your one true love, Louisa
Tonganoxie, August 18, 1892
Dear Louisa,
Thank you for your nice writing. I was so happy to hear from you and it was such a surprise. We had a show in town and a lot of people went to it, but mostly mothers and their kids. Will's wife and the boy were there also. They say it wasn't that great, I didn't go since I had to work. I hope you don't think about going back to your aunt's just because she was nice to you. It wouldn't last long and it would be the same old story. You never had it very nice at her house. I am sorry to tell you that the train between Leavenworth and Lawrence is no longer running on Sundays. They say it didn't bring enough money. Therefore I will not be able to see you next Sunday. You can sleep all Sunday. Hope to hear again from you soon.
Loving you Jake
Lawrence, Kan. August 19, 1892
Dear Jake,
Your letter came to hand Wednesday noon. Am really sorry that you have such little confidence in me and think I do not care for you. But time will prove that I do care for you.
John wants to go to the lake Sunday and would like to have you and I go with them. If you cannot come Saturday evening so as to go Sunday morning, please write and let me know tomorrow. I would be pleased to see you tomorrow evening if you can come, wish you would.
Please excuse a short letter this time
Yours in haste
Your love, Louisa
Tonganoxie August 24, 1892
Dear Louisa,
Even though you didn't ask me last Monday evening if I would write you a letter I thought I would surprise you with a little letter anyway. Don't have any news to tell you. I arrived here in a good mood; the western train was about 15 minutes late. We had a lot of rain here on Monday. Mrs. Fischer, Anna, Ms Fischer and another lady came up here last night and they left again today. Tuesday afternoon we almost had a big disaster, the boiler house started on fire. Will noticed it first. He and the engineer got the fire out with a few buckets of water.
A lot of people went to Kansas City this week. How did you manage with your aunt on Monday--did she know everything better? I didn't want to get into an argument with her so I kept my mouth shut. But I had my own thoughts. Speaking is silver, silence is golden! I will probably work nights all week if we have enough water. I feel a lot better and if I can I will come to see you next weekend.
Good bye my love Jake
Lawrence, Kansas Aug. 25, 1892
Dear Jake
Your letter came to my hands this afternoon although I did not ask you to write I was in hopes you would. It was very kind in you to write and give me such a pleasant surprise.
Lucky it was that your brother discovered the fire before it made much headway and so that it was put out before it did any damage.
Aunt had very little to say after you left Monday. We lunched together and after supper Minnie came over and wanted us to go to Feils with her so we went. But then she is not in a good humor. She finds fault with everything I do this week. It must be because she did not know of our engagement sooner or maybe she thinks you might tell her instead of sending a card.
Well I think you must make up your mind to tell her all about it and perhaps she will be better satisfied.
It tickled me last Monday to hear how she apologized and how good she was to offer you a lunch before you left. Now if she didn't think she spoke cross to you she would never have apologized like she did. But she will have it that I am to blame. She says you never would have got mad, had I not said something to you after she went into the kitchen. "Poor me" Die Supe liegt ziemlich schwer im magen.
So Miss Fischer made a short stay in Tonga. I am glad she did, for I am so afraid you might fall in love with her and go back on me.
I am glad that you are feeling so much better and am also glad to know you're coming down next Sunday, for I am pleased to see at all times. With everlasting love, I remain yours truly, Louisa
Tonganoxie, Kas September 1, 1892
Dear Louisa,
Have been thinking all evening what I could write to you, but can't think of anything new. Arrived at the depot on Monday and the train was 20 minutes late. That is 20 minutes I could have spent with you. Our train had 32 cars and the train was so long that the last car arrived 15 minutes in Tonganoxie after the locomotive. The creek in Tonga was swollen, but it went down. We are working at night as long as we can. Tomorrow is the initiation of the new hall. They sent me an invitation. It costs a Thaler. Do you have one for me? Tomorrow our Sunday schools have an excursion planned for Leavenworth and the soldier's home. I also got an invitation for the sports club meeting next Sunday. How are you doing? I hope you are feeling better and if not then I have to come and see you and have a promenade in the moonlight or a water party. Don't you think that would be great?
With thousand kisses your faithful Jake
Lawrence, Kan September 1, 1892
Dear Jake
In answer to your letter I will write you a few lines to let you know that I am still among the living, am feeling better than I was Sunday but not as well as I might feel. Hope you are in better health, also in good spirit.
The circus Tuesday was a good one but Louisa did not go because her beaux was compelled to work the night of the show and she had no half dollar and they would not take her in, on her good looks, so she stayed at home and was perfectly contented and often thought of her dear one in Tonga—-thinking while she was sitting around taking it easy he was hard at work, making money for all he was worth.
Now this girl I was writing about is Louisa Ernst of Lawrence and the man is Jacob Freienmuth of Tongana Kan.
Perhaps you have met them, if not I will make you acquainted with them next Sunday, not knowing any more foolishness to write I will close hoping to see you next Sunday.
With love from Louisa
Lawrence, Kan September 9, 1892
Dear Jake,
Received your letter this afternoon; was sorry to hear that you cannot be here this evening and still more sorry to know you do not intend to come to see me next Sunday; would like to know if I have said or done anything to offend you, or to hurt hour feelings. Should be very sorry if I have.
I don't understand what you mean by saying someone else beside you reads the letters I send you. Have you discovered anybody reading them? Or do you think someone opens them before you get them? And who do you think would do such a thing as that?
Nellie Montgomery is visiting with us, she came last evening. John is in Topeka on business today and Minnie is spending the day with us.
Not knowing any news I must cut my letter short.
Now Jake I wish you would write me a nice long letter Sunday and tell me your trouble.
Your ever loving, Louisa
Lawrence, Kan. Sept. 1892
Dear Jake,
No doubt you have been looking for a letter from me before this but you will have to excuse me for putting it off so long, as my little finger pains me so that I don't feel like doing anything. I feel crabbed and cross. Wednesday morning I almost cut my little finger off; have put saline and salve on it right along bit it is not healing at all; in fact it is more painful now than it was the day I cut it. I am doing all I can to get it cured for you know I don't want a sore finger, when our wedding takes place.
Now, Jake, had I received a letter from you it would have made me feel much better and would have forgotten my painful finger. But I really did not look for a letter from you for you said you did not intend to write until I had written to you. You are getting to be very particular about writing. But then I will excuse you, as I know you are so very busy that you do not find much time to write.
Lawrence is booming, McIntire has put another story on the top of his one story building since you left and there was one fellow working on the building that had red hair. Oh! But he was pretty! Just as pretty as a mud fence.
Philip was out in the country for three days this week, putting up a windmill. Amelia Thudium spent the evening with me yesterday, she is well and about half past eight o'clock the cyclones came out on the street to drill so Amelia and I went on the street, too, to watch them drill for a half an hour. Now I know you will be glad to know about her, as you occasionally inquire about her, but it is not her that I am worrying about; it is that red headed girl over in Tonga. She better keep out of my way when I get over there or there will be some hair pulling done.
Wouldn't you like to see that? I see in the paper today that Mr. Gester has another son added to his family.
It has been very warm and windy and dusty this week. Sunday is near at hand but it will be a lonely day for me because you will not be here to entertain me but never the less my
Tonganoxie September 26, 1892
Dear Louisa,
I received your letter last Saturday evening. I was so happy to receive a letter from you without me writing to you first. I have been waiting for it since Thursday. I am so sorry that you had so much bad luck with your little finger. You probably thought about that red haired guy and that is why you cut your finger. As you see you got punished for not being faithful. If you would have thought about me then this wouldn't have happened. You have to try to keep your finger dry and don't have it in the dirty dishwater so you don't get an infection. Your aunt can wash dishes for a few days.
If you see Amalie tell her I said Hi! Don't forget to tell her. I got a letter from your brother Ernst last Saturday. He congratulated me and wrote a nice letter I have to show it to you. We haven't had any water since Friday. We only work during the day and if we don't have rain soon then we can't work at all. I went to see Will yesterday and tasted his new wine. It tasted great Eda got an invitation to Emma Miller's wedding but she doesn't know yet if she wants to go. She told me that her mother was upset that she didn't go to Marie Raetz's wedding. She didn't hear from home for about four weeks. Next Wednesday Barnum's circus is coming to Leavenworth. I would love to go since I don't have to work right now. Would you like to go? I am inviting you and it would not cost you one cent. You could catch the 8 o'clock train in the morning and get back home that same night. Write as soon as you can and let me know what you think about it. The mail closes at 3:00 p.m. in Tonganoxie. I will be waiting for you at the depot.
I am thinking about you
Your faithful Jake
Lawrence Kan. September 27, 1892
Dear Jake,
Have just finished reading your most interesting letter. Was indeed pleased with its contents. I gladly accept your kind invitation to go to Leavenworth with you tomorrow.
You can look for me in the morning without fail unless something extraordinary happens. Auntie is willing I should go and she is just ready to go uptown and will carry this letter to the post office for me. With love, from Louisa
Lawrence, Kan September 30, 1892
Dear Jake,
In order to surprise you I thought I would drop you a few lines to let you know how I am. I feel much better than I did but could feel better. Am not quite so silly as I was yesterday afternoon, before you left. No doubt you thought me ready for some lunatic asylum, but am not quite ready to go there yet, for I act sill more foolish sometimes. Now, don't you pity me?
Did you get to Tonganoxie in time to go to work at seven o'clock? Or did the train stop to take a rest every half miles. Poor Jake was again shook up. It's no wonder you are so poor fur every time you travel on that train, you lose at least two or three pounds of flesh. But all jokes aside I did enjoy my trip to Leavenworth; also my companion, Jake, in spite of my headache. Didn't you?
No doubt the men that were on the train from Tonga teased you today but we don't care do we?
Mr. Stick has sold what few furniture he had and has his store rented. He intends to go east before long.
Mrs. Shietz is much worse the doctor fears she will go into typhoid fever.
Uncle is speaking about going to K.C. Monday but I hardly think he will go unless auntie goes, and she pretends not to care.
Not knowing any news I must close, hoping you are well and in good spirits.
I thank you kindly for the enjoyment you made for me this week. With love and best wishes, I remain your true love, Louisa M. Ernst
Tonganoxie, Kas. October 2, 1892
Dear Louisa,
Since I don't have anything else to do I thought I would write you a few lines. I would have rather come to see you on this nice day as I don't know what to do with myself. I wouldn't have this problem if I was with you. My thoughts are with you as always and I hope that you are thinking about me also.
Last Thursday night the water lasted until 2:00 a.m. and that was all the night work for this week. I would love it if it wouldn't rain for another week. I went to J????. The parade is going to be on the 7th like I told you already. Please try to come on Tuesday evening; the train is leaving Lawrence at 3:40 p.m. Please be so kind and get Will's address in Kansas City for me. Ida would like to stop by Will's but she doesn't have his address. I hope the weather stays nice so we can have a few nice days together. I wished it was Tuesday already and you were here.
I will end this letter in hopes that you had a nice Sunday.
I remain your faithful and I love you Jake
Lawrence, Kan Wednesday
Dear Jake,
Your most kind and welcome letter reached me Monday was pleased with the length of it but not so much with some of its contents.
It is too bad that you feel as though you are not welcome but then I cannot blame you as I know you are treated very cool by my dear aunt and I don't see what reason she has for doing so. In regard to your eating her poor I don't see that you eat such an awful lot and besides I don't consider her rich. And all she needs to do is to tell you how much you are in debt to her and I feel sure that it will not be so much but what you are able to pay it.
Whether that is the cause of her coolness or not I couldn't say, but then one thing I know and that is that she is cranky.
I did not write you about the show in my last letter for I wrote the letter before I went to the show. I enjoyed it very much, the little girls were dressed in all colors of the rainbow, Arabian style and were well trained. It was as good as any show that travels. Too bad you could not take in the show. Why did you not tell me that Annie Fischer was taking part in it? She did some good dancing and singing.
I was accompanied by Nellie and Philip. Nellie says I should tell you she is glad you did not come down Friday, so she could go to the show on your ticket. That's just like her. She is every so much obliged to you.
Mr. Rudiger is going to begin to board here again next Sunday.
Mary Raetz was married last Thursday. I suppose Eda was down to wedding.
Sunday night I dreamt that your brother, Will was here to supper and that he was feeling down hearted. I asked him how you are getting along and he said Jake is getting disgusted working nights for ten dollars a week and that he is going to quit working for Bangs. Monday night I dreamt that we (you and I) lived on the farm and that you were hauling wheat to Lawrence and I was with you sitting on the wheat sacks. If you find time, wish you would write me another letter this week. Your ever loving Louisa
P.S. in case you do not find time to write, be sure to come next Sunday for I am anxious to see you and will be looking for you to come.
Tonganoxie Oct 14, 1892
Dear Louisa,
You are probably waiting for a letter from me. I didn't have a chance to write any sooner as I was very busy this week. The mill wasn't running since Tuesday, but the engineer found a hole in the boiler. We had two boilers sent from Leavenworth and they had to cut out a piece on the boiler and add a new piece. We worked on it for two days and a night. I had to lay in a small place and hold the hammer against the boiler while two men on the other side were hammering against. All that noise and made me deaf and all my bones were aching from the force of them hammering against the boiler. Today a bricklayer from Lawrence worked on the furnace because they had to break down the walls to make room for the boiler. It was quite a job. Tomorrow we will start working again and then we should be busy for quite some time. The boss mentioned working next Sunday. So don't wait for me. The next week will be a very long one. Try to make the best of it. Maybe you will have a red haired boy in your neighborhood. Ha! We had a lot of rain. Will had to shoot his coIt. That is all the news I have from here. How is your finger? I hope it is getting better and I also hope that you are doing well and that you think about me as I think about you. Write to me on Sunday and let me know how you are doing.
Your Jake
Lawrence, Kan Oct. 16, 1892
Dear Jake,
Your letter came to my hand yesterday afternoon. Had been anxiously awaiting its arrival since Thursday noon, began to think you would not write, but after reading your letter and finding that you were so busy, was ready to excuse you for not writing sooner.
Although I could not be with you in person today, my thoughts were with you, as I know yours were with me while awake, supposing you slept a good part of the day in order to be ready for work tonight.
I spent my time with reading and sleeping this afternoon and this evening I had company until almost nine o'clock, Amelia and Sophia Thlidium were here. Sophia and I took Amelia home. A nice little walk. Amelia's back is much better but still very painful at times, am afraid she will have trouble with it for some time to come. She is having a red dress made. Don't you think she will look pretty in red? I know you do, for you like a dress of that color so well. She sends her kindest regards to you.
I had a letter from Henry this week, he also sends his best regards. Auntie was down at Mrs. Fischer's helping to quilt last Thursday.
Perhaps you will be surprised to hear that Minnie Burkley has kicked her husband out of the house but nevertheless it is true. He left Lawrence last Friday, he went home to his father in southern Kansas. Minnie claims that he has not drawn a sober breath for three months. Jake has been subject to fits for a number of years but Minnie would not believe it, when she was told before their marriage and Mrs. Gnefgow said the people were only mad because Minnie was getting a good husband. It is hard to see into family affairs, but I do feel sorry for Jake. Some folks say it is a shame the way Jake has been treated the last six months. That he has been treated more like a dog than a husband or son-in-law. You may feel sure that my future husband, Jake, will not be treated in such a manner.
My little finger is not well yet it has been very painful the last two days, but then I don't mint it much for I am getting used to it. A person can get used to hanging if they hang long enough.
Mr. Olson came down from Topeka last night. She came to dinner with Philip today. I treated him as cool as possible, was not at all glad to see him. Please write as soon as you find a little spare time. With true and unfailing love, I remain yours, Louisa
Tonganoxie Oct. 21, 1892
Dear Louisa,
I was very happy to receive your letter with all the news. You have to forgive me that it took me so long to write last week. I worked for 7 1/2 days. The mill was running all the time even on Sunday. Will worked, too. The week seemed so long since I didn't get to see you, but I hope to see you next Sunday unless the boss decides to make us work again. That would be terrible, don't you think so?
It seems that you spent the weekend in good company. I would like to be there sometimes when Miss Studies visits you. You need to buy yourself a new dress, that might make your finger feel better. The news about your cousin Jack surprised me. I feel sorry for him that he has a wife with more fat than brain. She probably drove him to drinking. But at the same time I feel sorry for any girl who is married to a man with a drinking problem. I believe you that you will never treat me like that, but don't forget that my name isn't Jack Burkle either. I thought you would be happy to see your old lover again. You don't have to be cold to him because of me. I hope to see and your finger well and happy next Sunday. Did you see the eclipse of the sun?
Good bye my love
Greetings your Jake
Tonganoxie Oct. 27, 1892
Dear Louisa,
I am writing you a few lines so you don't lose any sleep like last week. I don't want you to be upset. I love you too much. I don't have any news to tell you. People are so busy with politics these days. I brought the pants back home as the seamstress moved and I don't know where.
Mrs. Pierce was very happy to get your flowers and she said to tell you thank you. Nellie was there also. Tuesday morning I went to see Ida. I came back home on Sunday. She told me that she heard that your aunt was really upset with the Gnrefkones and didn't have much good to say about them. She also said that Jake was foolish for not having left any sooner. They are having a dance here tonight and tomorrow night.
How is your family doing, I hope well. Do you still have your finger? I don't know yet if I will be able to come down next Sunday.
In the meantime I remain your faithful Jake.
Tonganoxie Nov. 9, 1892
Dear Louisa,
As I promised you I will write you a letter. It will be a short one since I don't have a lot of time tonight. Tomorrow morning I have to work for Dreisbach. I have to work on the corn stone. I started working on it tonight but it will probably take me a few days. I am not stuck on the job.
The evening newspaper wrote that Cleveland was elected. I won my $5.00 pair of shoes. (Poor Jim) I really feel sorry for him. He told me that he lost $100.00 in bets. Will won the best pair of shoes in Menger's store in Bigsby. Menger lost about $20.00 but I don't feel sorry for him at all. He was always shooting off his mouth as if he was eating a Democrat for breakfast every morning. I told Jim that the shoes would be my wedding shoes and he was very pleased.
I asked everyone around here about the trash that I found in my pocket, but nobody admitted to doing it. I think Minnie stuck it in my pocket. The weather is not very nice today. How did the wedding cake taste? I hope it was good. I am doing very well except that my feet are cold. The fire in the office went out; therefore I better end this letter and hope you will get this in good health.
Loving you your faithful Jake
Lawrence, Kan.
November 10, 1892
Dear Jake,
Your most welcome letter at hand, will proceed to answer.
I congratulate you for your success in betting. I do not feel a bit sorry for those who lost, because I don't think men have any business to bet, of course, had you lost your bet, I should have felt very sorry although I do not approve of men betting on election.
Too bad that you cannot find out who put that trash into your overcoat pocket, and I would not swear that Minnie did not put it in, but cannot say, for I did not see her do it.
No doubt you will be surprised to hear that Henry is not at Bennington but at Topeka. He was thrown out of a job on account of the drug stock being sold out. This job at Topeka is not permanent, he is only taking a sick clerk's place until he is again able to attend to business.
Where he will get a permanent job is not yet known.
Fannie Walter from Lecompton was visiting us today, her father was running for the office of County Trustee, but was beat by a Republican.
The wedding cake tasted fine, but not near as good as if it had been mine.
I went with Philip and aunt and uncle. There were about twenty five guests at the wedding. The ceremony took place at twelve o'clock. We got there about ten minutes before. Mr. and Mrs. Noll took the 3:50 train for Leavenworth. How about it, did you throw some rice or old shoes at them while they were passing? Will tell you all the particulars about the wedding when you are here next Sunday. It would take too much space to write it all. I am glad it is so near Sunday again the time for you and I to see and talk with one another. Sunday is the happiest day in the week for me, when you are here.
Expecting to see you Sunday, I will close, wishing you good night.
From your ever loving, Louisa
Tonganoxie Nov. 19, 1892
My dear Louisa,
So sorry you had to wait for a letter for so long, but I really didn't have any news. I took a little longer on Dreisbach's corn stone. I finally finished it yesterday. Today I have to work all night Bigsby went to Oskaloosa to a party. My landlady and Mrs. Pierce went to Lawrence. Did you get to see them? Don't you agree that the weather is beautiful? Your sleigh ride didn't come about Sorry, that all your expectations don't come true. Did your aunt spit out all her gallbladder on Monday so you can have some peace the rest of the week? I hope you don't take after her or I would declare the 30 year war. I don't think I will come tomorrow. I will either go to Will's house or I might go hunting. Mrs. Fischer invited me for Thanksgiving. I will come to see you then on Thursday. Will and his family will join us. We had a scandal in your religious circle. I will tell you about it later. Write to me next Sunday and think about me a lot. My thoughts will also be with you as always.
Best wishes
Your faithful
Tonganoxie November 22, 1892
Dear Louisa,
I received your nice letter and will try to answer it. As I see you are in a good mood which makes me happy. Sorry you were a little late with your invitation. Maybe I need to invite myself, what do you think about that? I didn't go hunting last Sunday since I didn't have any salt. Maybe you can give me some when I come to see you. I went to see Will and tasted his wine. He just finished building a smoke house. We feel like we can climb mountains unless our legs are too heavy from the wine. I got my shoes but I haven't worn them yet. Maybe we will have nice weather on Thursday. Hope you are well and happy.
Your Jake
Lawrence, Kan
Nov. 27, 1892
Dear Jake,
Was pleased to receive your expected letter, though short it contained enough news to let me know that you are well, at least well enough to write.
I am glad your work is so arranged that you can sleep and also have some time left to visit.
No doubt Eda heard all about Minnie and Jake's trouble, while she was in L. and I think I can guess who told her that. Auntie scolded about Gnefgows for Mrs. Hammert was here last Saturday morning and bean to talk about how sorry she felt for Jake being treated as he was and that she could not sleep any last Friday night after hearing how "poor Jake" (as she said) was treated by Gnefgows. Of course you know by what auntie told you last Sunday, that she is down on Gnefgows and the way she spoke to you, she also spoke to Mrs. Hammert. Did you attend the show or dance? If so, hope you enjoyed it. But think you had your show and dance in the mill. My family, including myself, is not in the best of health. I have taken a very severe cold every bone seems to ache, have been cleaning house, think we will finish this week.
Auntie says I should tell you that she would like to hire you as cook and dishwasher until our sores heal up. She tried to chop her hand off with a hatchet, but as it was so dull, did not succeed. Lucky to have dull instruments sometimes, is it not?
She did cut quite a gash but it is not as sore now, as my finger that I cut six weeks ago. Think I will have the doctor lance it tomorrow for it is so painful. I dread the thought of having it lanced.
The YMCA delegates that I was telling you about arrived yesterday afternoon and will remain until Saturday. They are very nice folks. I went uptown with one of them this evening for a walk. But Jake, don't worry for it was only an eight year old girl that I went walking with and the delegate is her mother. There are over four hundred attending the YMCA convention. Would like to have you come to see me Sunday, if you can. Your love, Louisa.
Tonganoxie Nov. 30, 1892
Dear Louisa,
Arrived here on Sunday evening 15 minutes past 10:00 p.m. I was stiff from the cold weather and the trip was boring especially the last 5 miles didn't want to pass. I thought about you the whole time and how nice and warm you were behind the warm stove and I wondered if you were also thinking about cold Jake. I was also looking for the comet but couldn't see anything. We had a small explosion here in the mill on Monday morning so we couldn't work for two days. That was a good time to catch up on my sleep. Monday and Tuesday night I went to bed at 9:00 p.m. Today the mill is running again. Otto Fischer also went to Tonganoxie on Sunday. He came back home with his wife on Monday afternoon. Henry ??? got married on Monday in Lawrence. The weather is great and I would love to be outdoors. It probably wouldn't stay nice very long. I'll bet it will be cold again next Sunday. I hope you amused yourself last Sunday. Too bad the day was so short, or it would have been even better. There is nothing new here. I hope you have a good appetite. Six meals a day!!
Good Night my darling Jake
Lawrence, Kan
December 2, 1892
My dear Jake,
Your letter reached me this morning, am glad to know you got a few good nights of sleep.
No doubt you were in need of it. I was very sorry that you had to go home all alone last Sunday. How much nicer it would have been, if it would have been so that I could have gone with you. I know the ride would not been near so long for you know I am good at entertaining when out riding, as you found out in the afternoon. Of course it was much pleasanter sitting behind the stove but I did not enjoy it half as well as I would, had you been sitting behind the stove with me. Although I had company until almost ten and was busy entertaining them, my thoughts were with you. Wondered if you were lonesome or cold.
I took a severe cold Sunday, was hardly able to speak above a whisper Monday morning. It is a great deal better now and think your coming to see me next Sunday will cure it altogether, so don't fail to come, for I am expecting you. With love, from your silly girl, Louisa.
Tonganoxie December 16, 1892
Dear Louisa,
You will get this letter a little late, but late is better than never. If anything new would have happened here I would have written to you sooner. I have had a terrible headache for the last few days that I couldn't even think straight, except I always think about you. Well, what do you think about this weather? It is snowing again. Maybe the snow will stay until Sunday and then we can go sledding. It is still leap year. If Fanny is still there she can go with us. He would probably enjoy it. I hope your family is well and don't get too bored, and if you get bored just think about me.
With love as always Jake
Lawrence, Kan
December 16, 1892
Dear Jake,
I promised to write you a letter, but until now have failed to do so for want of news.
Well, to begin with, it has snowed considerably this week and there were a few sleighs out, but only a few. Did it snow in Tonga?
Mrs. Elunzeler was to see us day before yesterday. She feels very bad over Henry's getting married, because he married a girl whose folks she despises.
Had a letter from Henry, not Henry Hiener but my brother. He has a job at St. Mary's, Kan. For the past week, in the same store Johney worked before he went into business here.
Fannie went home on the train with her father Monday evening. She is going to St. Louis next Monday to visit her cousin, who wrote for her to come.
Fannie's father and brother are in town today.
As I know no more to say I will close, expecting an answer tomorrow and yourself, Sunday.
With love from Louisa.
P.S. Now don't accept an invitation for Christmas dinner any where for remember you are invited at Hotel de Hettich and I expect you to eat your Christmas dinner with us.
Lawrence, Kan
December 22, 1892
Dear Jake,
I was indeed surprised to get a letter from you so soon.
I must have forgotten to ask you to write me a letter, but if I did not I was expecting one and it was just as welcome.
Too bad you were so disappointed when you came here Monday at 2:30 P.M. and did not find me at home, but then it is all your fault, had you told me that you would be back to see me, in the train had pulled out, I would have stayed at home or if you would have rather went to the depot ---------- which I imagine you ----------- would have taken you along.
It was just twenty-five minutes past nine when we left the house. The train should have been due at three but it was forty minutes late, so it was almost four when it left the depot. When we arrived home, uncle said someone must have been here for he found the doors all open and we soon found that it was you from the nice little note you left and the chunk of chewing gum and the nuts. You should have heard us (Minnie, auntie and I) quarreling over the chewing gum and the nut, each wanted to claim it.
And then the note, which said "good bye, honey" but not knowing who you meant by "honey" was also quarreled about. Of course, I thought you meant me, and Minnie and auntie declared you meant them.
Now we will wait until you come again and then you will have to tell who you had referred to. Well, Jake, I know I am stubborn sometimes, or perhaps, as you think quite often, and you are not the only one that knows you think so, for auntie is on her ear this morning and has been more than giving me the dickens and did not forget to say, that she does not blame Mr. Freienmuth for calling me bull-headed for he has all reason in the world to do so. Which no doubt he has. So you see you have the sympathy of my dear beloved aunt.
I will start in New Year, and try to better some of my many faults, which I think with your assistance and good word can be much improved.
I'll be looking for you Saturday. Hope it will not be so cold, when you come. This is the shortest day of the year. From one who loves you, although she is stubborn.
Louisa M. Ernst
Lawrence, Kan
Jan. 12, 1893
Dear Jake,
I thought to surprise you, I would write you a few lines to let you know how I am getting along. Well to begin with, Monday evening I went to the theater. It was very good for the admission they charge, but I did not enjoy it very much for my head pained me very badly. Now you won't be mad, will you? For I went with auntie and not that red headed fellow.
Philip and I had a minute to attend a surprise party given in honor of Rose McFarland this evening, but we did not go; I thought it best for me to remain at home and try to get rid of my cold.
It is not very pleasant to drive two or three mines in the country, such a cold night as this, especially when one is not well.
Minnie was here from ten o'clock this morning until ten tonight, helping us to sew carpet rags. We now have enough sewed to make at least twenty five yards of carpet and it is to be for me.
But perhaps you will not allow me to use it as a carpet, for I remember of you saying you will not have a carpet on the floor on account of it not being healthy and that you would rather have a scrubbed floor. Well, it such is the case, we can make use of it some other way, perhaps we can use it for a curtain, tablecloth, or a quilt. Don't you think so?
Miss Clark made her first appearance at noon today, since last Sunday.
Steinberg brothers have failed, aster being in business almost twenty five years.
Amelia Thudium was to see me for a short time this evening.
I at first thought I would write you just such a letter as I received from you last week, but I changed my mind and concluded to return good fore evil or, rather a long letter for a note. Hope you are enjoying good health and that you sometimes think of me. I must close for it is time for all good folks to be in bed and rogues on their way.
With love from your bad girl, Louisa.
Tonganoxie January 19, 1893
Dear Louisa,
This time I will write to you with a pencil. It is as good as ink. Nothing new is happening here. Working, eating and sleeping. One day is like the other. I have a terrible cold that I can't get rid off. I bought me a bottle of Schnapps, maybe that will help. I would like to visit my sister-in-law in the country but the weather is so bad. How are you doing? I hope you are well and that you and your aunt patched things up. She really made me mad last Sunday and I know she didn't stick with the truth. But we know her and it really doesn't matter what she says.
With Love Jake
Tonganoxie Feb. 1, 1893
My dear Louisa,
Well, you better pay attention to all the news I have to tell you. I arrived here on Monday in a good mood. I had company until Beno. Mrs. Morris came up to take a picture of the large walnut log which will be sent to Chicago for the exhibition. It is 7 feet around and 40 feet long. I guess you noticed that it is very cold. Make sure you don't get icicles on your nose. I have a bad cold again. We don't have any wheat so I don't have to work tonight. I think I will sit by the warm stove tonight. It would be nice if you could be here with me, it would be so much nicer. It would be even nicer if husband and wife could sit in front of a warm stove together.
Will is going to Lawrence tonight to visit his wife. I received a letter from your brother in Texas. He wrote that his business is doing very well which he didn't expect. If I have time and the weather is good I might come on Saturday. I would like to go to the theater. I will let you know before.
Good bye my Love Jake
Tonganoxie, Feb. 5, 1893
Dear Louisa,
I am so sorry that I disappointed you again. I know that you are not very happy with me, but please don't be mad at me. I really wanted to come visit you last Saturday evening, but I had a really bad cold all week with coughing and headache. Yesterday morning I felt a little better, but in the afternoon I had a terrible headache again. I thought it would be better if I stayed at home until I felt better. Never left the house on Saturday and today I only went to the barber shop. You must be very lonesome today. It has been a long time that I didn't come to see you on Sunday. You just have to find something to do to fill your time. I don't even have an aunt or an uncle here to entertain me. I am all by myself. Will didn't return from Lawrence until Friday evening. He told me that his wife was doing much better. Guess you probably already know that. I heard that your aunt visits there quite a bit, I imagine they are discussing our business, hope they are having fun. About the remark you made (everything is the way it was) you don't believe that yourself. You must have been in a bad mood or your aunt was making some remarks. I bet she was happy that I didn't come down last Sunday. In case you are interested in today's paper you can read that the Cherokee Bill passed the Senate and it will be a law in the near future.
Our flour drummer ran away with about $800.00 and he didn't even let his wife know. That is about all the news I have. I hope you are feeling well considering all the circumstances. Don't give up.
With best wishes loving you
Your Oklahoma Jake
Tonganoxie, February 11, 1893
Dear Louisa,
We are working tonight, but since I promised you on Wednesday I don't want to disappoint you and I will come down to visit you and aunt and uncle. I hope we will have a good time. I was reading in the paper that we can expect a blizzard. So be careful, I don't want you to be surprised by it. Nothing else is new.
Hope you are well.
With best wishes
Lawrence, Ks
Feb. 14, 1893
Dear Jake,
Your letter reached me this afternoon. That it was welcome you already know, without my telling you so.
Wonder the ink was not frozen again like last week, it was much colder yesterday than any day last week, but then I forget you were sitting by the warm stove and no draft, you held the ink bottle into the fire to thaw the ink. I am so glad you thought of it for it. I don’t mean the theater, alone but your company I will enjoy the most.
Expecting to hear from you again this week, I will close my epistle wishing you a "good night" and pleasant dreams. With love from
Oklahoma Lou
Tonganoxie February 14, 1893
Dear Louisa,
Just wanted to let you know that I will come down this evening even though the weather will not be very nice. I don't know yet if I will dress up. It depends if I can find something. You go ahead and find something for yourself just in case.
I think it is better if we go together, don't you think so? Try to talk your aunt into going, too. Nothing else is new. I did work last night. Will's wife is in Lawrence again.
Good Bye until tonight
Your faithful Jake
Lawrence, Ks
Feb. 21, 1893
My Dear Jake,
I have been looking for a letter both yesterday and today but the letter I looked for never came, was very much disappointed. Don't know why you did not write Sunday as you said you would, perhaps sickness or work has kept you from it, or have you forgotten all about Louisa? You know what I have reference to. The hash "slinger" at Hettich's boarding house. Well the poor girl I do feel very sorry for her for she seems downhearted and worried and I know it is all because she has not seen nor heard anything of Jake, the miller boy of Tonganoxie, for such a long time.
Sunday was a long and lonesome day for me.
I spent the day at home at crocheting lace. I did think I would go out to visit some of my friends, but changed my mind and slaved at home like a good girl, went to bed at nine o'clock but could not go to sleep for ever so long for my mind was not at rest and my thoughts were over in Tonga with you.
After I went to sleep, I had a dream about you and when I awoke out of the dream, I was very much excited about it. They say when one wakes up a-dreaming, whatever they are dreaming about will come true. I should be very sorry if this one, would prove true, it would make me feel bad, indeed.
But I have more confidence in you than to think what I dreamt will prove true. Will tell you all about it next Sunday, or before, if you come before Sunday. Wish you would for it seems such a long time, since you were here. Now if you are not sick or too busy please drop me a few words to let me know that you are still amongst the living. With love, and best wishes for your future happiness I will close. I remain as ever your one true love, Louisa
Tonganoxie February 22, 1893
My dear Louisa,
Sorry you had to wait a long time for a letter. As you know not much is happening here. I could have written to you about our snow storm, but you had one too. Last Sunday I stayed at home as usual. I wasn't dressed to go anywhere. You probably went for a walk. Hope it agreed with you. Will was in Lawrence. His son is supposed to be sick again you might know that already. I read in the paper that Schuster Daby passed away. I have to work all night tonight. Bigsby is going to Oskaloosa to a Fasching party. (masquerade party). I worked on a stone for Dreisbach and got a piece in my eye. It is red and swollen, but I hope it will be better by Sunday. There is a Minstrel show next Saturday. If you feel like it and I have time we can go to it. Well, how are you feeling since the party in the sports center? I felt better after I got home and my special girl (if you know who I am talking about) is doing well.
I must close for today, write to me soon.
From your loving you Jake
Lawrence, Kan.
Feb. 23, 1893
My Dear Jake,
Your anxiously awaited for letter came yesterday afternoon was very glad when it arrived for it seemed such a long time since I last heard from you. Was sorry to hear that you have such a bad cold, hope it will be better by the time you come again, if not. I think I can cure it for you, at least, I will try very hard.
No doubt you have received my letter before this time.
Mrs. Freienmuth called here this morning. She feels quite well and Otto is much better than he was. She expects to go home in a few days. She seems very anxious to get home to her hubby, well, I don't blame her. I would feel the same way if I had a husband. I would not like to be away from him for such a long time either, would you?
Jake, it is very kind in you to ask me if I would like to go to the minstrel show, Saturday evening, now you might know, I would say yes for I go every chance I have, that is with you. And as I have never been to a minstrel show it will be a treat for me as for it not being decent, or fit for ladies, I don't know, I haven't heard that it is not, so if you have the time to go, I will be on hand.
Minnie is feeling good. Of course she was very tired after the ball, but after having a rest, felt fine.
I was tired too, for you know I danced so much, it took me until now to rest up. Oh my! Don't you pity me?
Not knowing any news I'll close, expecting to hear from you again Saturday. Truly yours, with love, Louisa.
Tonganoxie March 3, 1893
Did I promise to write you a letter this week? I can't remember. I want to write you a few lines anyway so you wouldn't be upset. I don't have any news to tell you. Just wanted to let you know that I got home O.K. I worked last night and probably tonight. That will probably all the night shift for this week. I am glad. I might visit my sister-in-law this week if the weather holds up. It has been more than two months since I was there. I might not find my way. Well, did you dance a lot on Tuesday in the sports hall, and I almost forgot the masquerade party. Did you dress up as a lover? How many lovers did you find? Probably a dozen. How does your uncle feel after his trip?
Does he still want to be buried in his G.A.R. uniform? I hope he got this out of his mind for a while and he will have a few more drinks. Your aunt might even get married again and that would be terrible. I hope you are happy and in good health. I heard the birds sing this morning. Spring must be on the way.
With everlasting love Your Jake
P. S. Don't forget to pick up the license.
Lawrence, Ks
March 3, 1893
My Dear Jake,
Your letter reached me yesterday afternoon, it was dated March 3rd but reached me on the 2nd. Had it not been for my address on the envelope I would not have known that it was for me, for you forgot to mention any name in the heading of your letter. Wonder what you were thinking of at the time. I will overlook your mistake this time, hoping you will not be so thoughtless the next time you write.
There was a big crowd at the mask ball and all that attended had a good time.
The theatre at the Turner hall did not last an hour. There was also a large crowd at the hall, after the theatre there was dancing until two o'clock.
Uncle is feeling all right again and has changed his mind about dying.
Had a letter from cousin Adolph this morning, stating that he had a letter from his mother this week, telling him that two of his brothers, the one that's at home and the one in Minnesota intend going to the Cherokee nation as soon as the strip is opened and that you and I may have company. He seems to think that I am going with you. They intend to come through L. when they go the same time they do.
Gnefgows have sold out. Minnie intends to go to Colorado and start boarding house with an aunt of hers, who lives out there.
Not knowing any more news, will close, expecting to see you Sunday. With love from Louisa.
P.S. Don't you believe I was at mask ball or the turner hall. I stayed at home like a good girl.
Tonganoxie March 9, 1893
Dear Louisa,
I put off writing until tonight hoping I might have some news, but nothing happened. I don't want to disappoint you so I thought I might write you just a few lines. We worked for three nights. We had to stop working since we didn't have any wheat. The rain really messed up the roads, but today was a very nice day. Hope you used this nice weather and went for a walk. Tuesday morning I worked for Dreisbach, but I wore my glasses. How did your fight end on Monday with your aunt? She made me angry on Sunday with her old stories about raising children.
Greeting from your Jake
Lawrence, Kan.
March 12, 1893
Dear Jake:
I received your letter Friday afternoon just as I was going out. I visited my aunt and did not get back until supper time and after supper I went to the concert with uncle and auntie to the Lutheran church.
The concert you bought the tickets for, last Sunday, it was very good and I enjoyed it, had it not been for the severe headache I had. It was late when we got home, but had for my headache it would not have been too late to write to you so you surely will excuse me for not answering your letter. All day yesterday and today I felt miserable. I am taking medicine but don't seem to do much good.
This is your birthday, allow me to congratulate you, I wish you many happy returns of the day.
I have a small present for you. I intended to mail it this afternoon, but did not get through early enough so as to get to the post office before it was closed. So I will have to mail tomorrow -– it will be better late, than
March 16, 1893
Dear Louisa,
I received your very nice letter and the nice present and I want to thank you very much for both. I was very surprised and I will always treasure it. I got your letter yesterday. Will didn't go to the post office on Tuesday. I expected a letter on Monday. I am very sorry that you are not feeling well, but I hope that you will be well by next Sunday. I visited my brother last Sunday. They were very surprised to see me. The weather was nice so Will was working as always. He was stringing wires for his grapes. I helped him a little and afterwards we drank a bottle of wine together. Eda seems to be doing very well. Otto was very wild.
We had a big fire here yesterday. Two stores and an apartment building were on fire. I didn't find out about it until everything was over. I stayed at home and read. Tonganoxie couldn't afford a fire bell yet. They were able to save almost everything from the stores. Some old lady went upstairs and threw things through the window. When she tried to come down the stairs they were burning so she had to jump out of the window.
I was looking forward to nicer weather, but it didn't look like spring today. Did you know that your new neighbors are from Tonganoxie? It is the ones who moved into the Central Hotel. They had a hotel here also, but it wasn't very successful. We are working day and night this week. The boss bought a few truck loads of wheat.
I figure you didn't expect me last Sunday. You didn't mention anything in your letter. Don't be upset with me. I haven't missed many Sundays. If I would have known that you were ill I would have come. I would have given you the best of care. It probably would have been better than medicine. I hope you feel well soon.
Greetings, I love you Jake
March 24, 1893
Dear Louisa,
I have to ask you to forgive me if this letter is very short. Nothing happened here that is worth writing about. We only worked two nights. The orders are scarce. We have a few orders for next month. I guess I will catch up on my sleep. Tonight is a Mardi Gras party, the last one of the season. I won't go to it. On Monday I went to Jaedicke's store and ordered wire for Will and Frances told me that Fischer had a little girl and everyone was doing fine. I finally have some news. I don't know yet what I will be doing next Sunday; I will let you know in a letter. In two weeks is Easter and I wonder what kind of eggs the bunny will have for me? Hope you are feeling well.
In the meantime I remain your
Lawrence, Kan
March 27, 1893
Dear Jake:
Received your letter Saturday afternoon although it was short was very glad when it arrived.
Am glad, too, that you can find time to have a good night's sleep or I guess you have had several including last night.
Hope you enjoyed yourself yesterday without my company. It seems a long time since I last saw you, for all it is only a week ago that you were here.
I had a good time at 3:30 Philip and I went over to the W.P. depot to meet Henry. We looked for him in the morning but he did not come, so we thought he had changed his mind about coming. About eleven o'clock John came over from the store and told us that Henry had just telephoned to him that Phil and I should be at the depot at 3:47 as he would come on that train. Then the boys got a rig and spent our time up until half past six, riding. Henry was very much surprised to think that you did not come to see me yesterday.
I had a good time at 3:30 Philip and I went over to the W.P. depot to meet Henry. We looked for him in the morning but he did not come, so we thought he had changed his mind about coming. About eleven o'clock John came over from the store and told us that Henry had just telephoned to him that Phil and I should be at the depot at 3:47 as he would come on that train. Then the boys got a rig and spent our time up until half past six, riding. Henry was very much surprised to think that you did not come to see me yesterday.
Wasn't there a big change in the weather since yesterday.
Our lady boarder has not eaten here since Saturday, nor did she pay a cent before leaving.
Well, I suppose you have made up your mind before this, about what you are going to do after your return from Oklahoma, next month. Remember you said you would let me know as last Sunday, yesterday, and as you did not come, you might let me know in your next letter, what your decision is. I would like a letter with a good many more words, please, that is if you have the time to spare. I think I have said enough. Gut nacht mein Lieber shatz. From Louisa
Tonganoxie March 30, 1893
Dear Louisa,
I received your letter yesterday afternoon and I enjoyed the good news, as I read you had a lot of fun last Sunday. It must have been a lot of fun to ride in a buggy in such good company. I forgot all about John's birthday. I bet you had a lot of fun. Just think I was at home all day on Sunday with nothing to do. I just sat and laid around and read. I thought about going to Will's, but I was too lazy. You must know that even I can be very lazy. It was a very nice day and it seemed like springtime. I bet it is very lively in Lawrence. Right now we only work during the day, the business is not doing very well. I don't mind it at all. I am in bed every night at 9:30 p.m. to get some sleep.
I was the supervisor today and might be tomorrow. Will is planting trees at home. His workers are a little slow so he thought it might be better if he stayed at home. I don't blame him. I will give you the answer to your question when I see you. If you should be in a hurry let me know and I will send you a telegram. That is all the news I have. I will see you next Sunday.
Greetings Jake
April 6, 1893
Dear Louisa,
As I promised you I will write you a few lines. Sorry that I can't come to see you tonight. We are working at night. We had to do some repairs on Monday and Tuesday so we have to catch up on the time we lost. I will give you the pleasure some other time. I hope you are not too disappointed. It must be very hot in the opera house by now. So you didn't vote for the candidate for mayor. I had better luck here. Our female candidate for mayor only received four votes. Otto Fischer is now town father. I didn't even know that he was a candidate. Two of Dr. Abdellah's girls were in Eudora on Tuesday evening for the Easter ball. Bigsby and Jung Bangs were there.
Greetings from your Jake
April 13, 1893
Dear Louisa,
I got your snippy letter from last Tuesday and I am surprised that you wrote to me after you were so disappointed. If I would do to you as you did to me I shouldn't even answer your letter until next week. You must have been awfully busy that you couldn't write any sooner or maybe you have a new attraction somewhere else. I just hope you will be happier than you are with me. I didn't go anywhere last Sunday though you might think that I was meeting someone else. I haven't been feeling well since the end of last week and all this week. That is the reason why I didn't come down. Since I didn't hear from you I figured you wouldn't care. I know what you mean about hanging, just don't forget to breathe. From now on I will not make any promises so you wouldn't be disappointed. I will just come or not come.
That is all the news I have.
Good Night Your Jake
April 21, 1893
Dear Louisa,
You probably expected a letter on Thursday, but since I didn't have any news I waited until tonight. The newest here is that I changed boarding houses. Now I only live two blocks away. That saves me 20 blocks a day. I was so tired of walking that far every day. The food is pretty good. The mill hasn't been running for three days. We don't have any wheat. Hasn't the weather been terrible the last few days? I read in the paper that the wind blew the church steeple in Lawrence down. Well, how are you doing? I hope you are well and happy. You can write me a nice long German letter next Sunday. I am planning on visiting Will. I hope you will not be upset that I will not be coming. My thoughts are always with you in love.
Your faithful Jake
April 26, 1893
Dear Louisa,
I received your nice letter last Sunday and I was very happy to read that you think about me a lot. It was really a nice and lovely letter. Since you can ask so nicely that I should write to you soon, I will respect your wish and answer your letter right now. A lot of people were surprised that I moved away from Elliott. Nellie bothers you more than she did me. If I would have been stuck on her I would have never moved. There is a girl in my new place, too. I didn't take the trouble to find out what her name is. Last Sunday I went to see Will. They were just leaving when I got there. They invited me to come along to visit a German friend. So I accepted. The weather wasn't so nice. It rained all the way home. We worked a couple of nights this week.
Well, I hope to see you next weekend.
Love Jake
May 5, 1893
Dear Louisa,
You have probably been waiting for a letter from me since Thursday. I waited to write hoping something interesting would happen, but that wasn't the case. Everything is the same. The mill has been running for four nights. Mister Fischer is at Will's place. He is supposed to stay there for a few days. Don't know if I will be able to come next Sunday. If I am not there for dinner, then don't wait for me. You just have to find something to do to pass the time. Just don't flirt with the tailor. They are supposed to be dangerous animals. Good advice is always helpful. That is all the news I have. My thoughts are always with you.
Greetings from your faithful Jake
May 11, 1893
Dear Louisa,
I received your letter on Monday and happy to hear all the news. I would have answered you sooner but the weather was so bad. It rained all morning. I hope the weather will be nice on Sunday. We didn't work this week. I rode Jim's pony to Will's house last Sunday. It started to rain as soon as I got there. It finally stopped around 7:00 p.m. so I started back home. Mr. Fischer is still there. He painted the kitchen but it had spots all over. On Tuesday somebody reopened the old cheese factory.
I am so sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well and still had to work so hard and then they still called you lazy. And now to the spider story. I hope you didn't believe what Minnie said. I bet you were happy that Mrs. Wattermelon came to see you. I believe you that she was very nosy. Mr. Ruediger could be a good match for her. Your heart must have been on fire last Sunday if you didn't need a heater in the middle of the winter. I hope you have enough heat for two. I would love to be your bee. On a nice day a bee always goes to the sweetest flower to get the juice. Try to be a sweet as you can be on Sunday. That is all I can think of.
With love your faithful Jake
May 14, 1893
Dear Louisa,
I thought I better write you a few lines so you will not be disappointed. I don't really have any news. I arrived here on Sunday evening at 11:00 p.m. It was really lonesome and I kept wishing you would be here with me. I don't think you would have minded it either. Yesterday the students had finals at the academy. Morris from Lawrence was here and took pictures of them. He came to visit me and told me that this place was too small for Louisa. I told him that the place where Louisa was born was a lot smaller. This week we only worked during the day. The weather is just gorgeous. Tell Phillip to come up next Sunday and bring you. You can sit in front if there is no room in the back.
I will remain your faithful Jake
May 25, 1893
Dear Louisa,
I received your nice letter from last Sunday and was so glad to hear from you, but I would have preferred to see you in person. You would have had a good time if you would have come with Phillip. We had very little rain last Saturday. It looked worse than it was. So you and the tailor were house sitting last Sunday. I wonder if you were really watchful. We had a wedding here last weekend. Don't think that we live behind the moon. I found out at Will's last Sunday that Lizzie is getting married to the old Read. The wedding will be on the 7th of June and you are going to the World Fair. I don't think Lizzie will be very happy. Maybe she hopes to be a rich widow soon. If we could only read a person's mind. The things we could find out. I have to tell you something else. I got a letter from brother Edward and he informed me that he is getting married in three to four weeks, he doesn't want to wait until he is 60. He wants all the family members to be present. Well, the Freienmuths are slowly all getting married even if you doubt it. I hope you don't give up hope on me. That is all the news I have. The weather is wintery this morning. I hope you are well and happy.
With love your faithful Jake
June 2, 1893
Dear Louisa,
You kept your promise a propos letter therefore I will answer you right away.
From your letter I gather that you had more news than I did. It rained here but not in the inkpot. We don't have such wonders here in Tonganoxie. We had to work last Tuesday. A lot of people went to Leavenworth mostly to see the circus. Mrs. Freienmuth was in Lawrence on Tuesday. Miss Fischer and Baby came back with her. Miss Clark was also on the train on Monday morning. She probably went to Leavenworth; she acted like she didn't see me. Right now we are working at night. You can make your own decision about the picnic, you are still free and can do what you want (you would probably rather be hooked). If you want to mess around with a country boy then I wish you lots of luck.
Your faithful Jake
June 7, 1893
Honorable Miss Ernst,
I received your letter from last Sunday and I figure that you would like to receive an answer, so I will write you a few lines. Don't really know if you will like what I have to say. You wrote that you are planning on being your own boss for a long time and that you will take advantage of that in the near future. Don't really know what you mean by that. But if you are thinking about having a romance with someone else then you better let me know right away. It is better to end things quickly. I have noticed for a long time that you don't trust me anymore and if there is no trust then there is no love. The whole mess started because I put off the wedding for a while. I will explain to you later why I had to do this. If you can wait a while then everything is O.K., but if not, then you can stand on your head with your aunt. It must not have been very important what Ms. Farland had to say, otherwise you might have told me.
A day before yesterday two boys from here were sent to reform school, and yesterday two black boys were sent to Leavenworth for horse theft. Yesterday the black boy from Barbier from Lawrence went crazy. They put him in the Calaboose and two men guarded him. Sunday morning we had a bad hailstorm. Will's grapes were totally destroyed. It rained almost all day long and I stayed at home the whole day. Lizie Reatz ??? did have nice weather. Mrs. Freienmuth was not invited to the wedding.
In the meantime I remain your faithful servant
Jake F.
I am waiting for an answer at your convenience. Would like to give you some advice not to take the old dried out crank from Miller.
My dear Louisa,
We just had a big downpour. You probably got it in Lawrence too. It was terribly hot today and I was hotter today than the last six months. Today I got an invitation from Texas for the wedding. The wedding is June 26 at 11:00 a.m. in the Protestant Lutheran church. (You see you non-believer) Ed is expecting me but I will write to him and let him know that I am unable to attend. Eda was in Lawrence today and bought the wedding gifts. I am going out there to look at the presents and we are going to send everything together. Mrs. Fischer and Anna came up and Mr. Fischer will follow tomorrow in the buggy. Yesterday I went to the show, they had a woman in stone, it was quite interesting. I will tell you more in person in case you want to know about it. I hope you are healthy and happy. Another single guy is trapped, but not the right one.
Good Night my Love Jake
Dear Louisa,
I don't know if you expected me today or not and I hope that you were disappointed that I didn't make it. I would have written to you last week, but I didn't have any news. I thought maybe you would come up since you mentioned it. Maybe you were busy or the travelling is getting expensive. That has been happening to me lately in these tough times.
I worked really hard this week. If I would have gotten the job at Piersons I wouldn't have to work so hard. It was terribly hot. Well, I don't think that you got too hot this week. I hope your aunt takes care of the perspiring for you. Did you visit her yet for old time's sake? Don't neglect the poor old woman totally. If we run out of wheat and don't work then I might come to see you.
In the meantime I remain your faithful Jake
Tonganoxie 7-2-1893
Dear Louisa,
I received your letter and was very happy since I didn't expect one. I was planning on writing today even though I have no news. I am going to Will's house for dinner for Spring chicken. It is kind of war~ to have to walk. Will got a letter from Ed. It must have been a terrible wedding. They (i5rt~ ~ there. His sister didn't come. She wasn't feeling well. I don't have any plans for the Fourth of July. I can come to Lawrence and we can go somewhere. I am glad that Henry is in Lawrence. I think it is best if I come tomorrow night. Greetings to the family and keep yourself in good health.
Your faithful Jake
Dear old Girl,
Would you be so kind and take my watch to Willman's? I dropped it and the balance wheel broke. I wouldn't have bothered you if I would have known Willman's phone number. Tell Willman to express the watch to me. Hope you got home safe and sound. I am doing O.K. Bet your aunt was happy to see you so soon.
With Love your old Jake
My dearest Louisa,
Yesterday morning I received your valuable writing and as I can see you are already working hard which makes me happy. I didn't work yesterday. The mill is not running. The boss said that we wouldn't work this week, but he can change his mind any minute. I better stick around in case we have work. Otherwise I would visit you this week. I went to the farm yesterday and told Eda that you are not staying with your aunt anymore. She said you should come live with her she would love to have you. You might not want to do' you will be getting an invitation to aunt's birthday. I will be coming over next Sunday; I really want to see you. Nothing else is new.
Greetings from
Jake who loves you.
Dear Louisa,
I just know that you are waiting for a letter. It is kind of late, but better than nothing at all. Don't know anything new except that a circus is coming to town next week I am inviting you to go there with me. We worked nights this week. Monday evening I had to go to work right away. Will was out sick for a day this week. I have had a headache for the past few days. I hope you are well and happy and I know that you don't work very hard since your aunt can't bother you anymore. It was very cool here last night. Did you hear anything from Phillip? I am not sure if I can come down tomorrow. Don't expect me if I am not there for dinner.
Your faithful Jake
Dear Treasure,
I got your letter from last Sunday and I will hurry and answer you even though nothing has happened here. Last Sunday I stayed at home all day. I was even too lazy to visit my brother. It was very boring. I would have loved to be in your company. I could have come down in a buggy, but you know that gets expensive. I will not make it next Sunday either, but maybe on Saturday evening, but I don't know for sure. I bet Phillip arrived happily in enced had a lot of news. I'm surprised that your aunt only has two orders left. She probably complained about you all the time and they got tired of listening to it. We don't work nights this week. Jim Love is losing his job on September 1, and young Jang will take his job. Big Sly's brother got married in the country last week and nobody in his family knew about it. Well, I hope your family is well. I have to go for now.
Greetings from your loving Jake
Dear Louisa,
To put your mind to rest I will write you a few lines and for sure you will be surprised to hear from me. I don't know much of anything. The train was sitting in the depot on Monday evening when I got there. I had lots of men, two women and three children and few men and one of them was Orrin. There were also a few car loads of pigs and oxen. It was very hot today. I am going to see Eda this afternoon before I travel to rod's country. I wonder if Phillip got the (Pon Wav) the same night. Beer has a great effect on a lot of people. Let me know if you are coming up on Saturday. Well, write me a few lines.
With eternal Love. Jake
Arkansas City, 9-14-1893
Dear Louisa,
Don't know if I should write you a long or a short letter. What I think about this place I can tell you in a few words. It is terrible. You can't imagine it if you didn't see it with your own two eyes. I am writing this letter sitting under a tree in the yard, but don't think this yard is very nice. It is filthy. As you saw when I was leaving that I got a seat. Others were not that lucky. My neighbor took half of my seat and to top it off he took off his shoes which didn't improve the smell. There were two more trains behind us and at every stop more people got on and by the time we reached Arkansas City there was hardly any standing room. We arrived in Newton at 4:00 a.m. and I had to change trains and they were all full. I ate breakfast there, one cup of coffee and a sandwich for 20 cents. At 11:30 a.m. I arrived here. The situation is not good at all. The newspapers make it sound better than it really is. Every day a few thousand people come here and every empty lot is full with horse and wagon; every house is a boarding house. I slept last night on a porch with a few blankets under me for 25 cents and 25 cents for meals.
Here is the most terrible mob that I have ever seen. You hardly see anyone in decent clothing. Everyone is filthy dirty. You can't imagine how dry and dusty it is. It hasn't rained in a few months; the land is sandy and the hot --- south wind blows the dust in clouds. I went to the line yesterday to sign up and there were about 4000 people ahead of me. Some of them were laying in the sand, others were sitting or standing. All of them were covered with dust and you couldn't tell if they were black or white. After I was there for two hours I looked just like the rest of them. My clothes are way too good for this place; I stick out like a sore thumb. There are hardly any ladies on the street which is understandable since the roads are filled day and night with pedestrians, horses and wagons. Hundreds of people line up in front of the Post Office waiting for mail. We are four guys in the boarding house from Tonganoxie. Another one only stayed one day and went back home. I don't know yet if I can handle that rat race, it is dangerous. I read the paper every day to know what is going on.
You don't have to answer this letter. I will write to you again in a few days. 1001 kisses from your faithful Jake Plenty of beer in town.
Tonganoxie 10-11-1893
Dear Louisa,
Don't have any special news to tell you but you might be waiting for a letter. I arrived here on Sunday at midnight tired from the long trip. I am not used to such long trips. The mill is not running yet. We might start it up before Friday and then it will be running day and night. I still don't know yet how to visit you on Sunday. I might have to walk; wouldn't that be funny if I arrived on Sunday on foot in Lawrence? Will didn't work yet this week he doesn't feel well. The wind whistled today like crazy. The Democrats are having a picnic with an ox on the pit and you are invited. I hope you are doing well and if I hurt your feelings last Sunday with my stupid talk I am very sorry and I want to apologize. I hope you will forgive me as love excuses everything.
In the meantime I remain your faithful
Dear Louisa,
I received your letter last Friday. The content made me very happy. Don't ever think that I would get tired of it if you write about our future. That is what we are hoping for. I will try my best to make you happy. I am very sorry that I can't visit you today, on Sunday. It is not what I wanted; I wanted so much to see you. We started the mill yesterday and the boss said that we had to work today also. So you see it is not my fault. If I would have known sooner I would have let you know. If I have a chance I will come down this week, but don't count on it. It is a beautiful day today and I am sorry that I have to spend it in the mill instead of in your nice company. It would be much nicer, don't you think so?
Well I hope that you have a nice day anyway.
Loving you Jake
Dear Louisa,
I received your letter and as always I was anxiously awaiting it. I thought you spent last Sunday outside instead in the house. I was very angry that I couldn't be with you since it was such a nice day. I earned $3.00. Will paid us time and a half for Sunday. The Fischer family and Lillie Jaedicke were visiting the farm on Saturday and Sunday. What is the matter with the horses in Lawrence? We constantly hear about a runaway. I am sorry that Henry had so much bad luck; could have been worse. Bertha Kintzler is wearing a new dress and it fits her very well. I didn't have a chance this week to come down. We are working day and night. Don't know yet if we have to work next Saturday night. If I am not there by 8:00 p.m. don't expect me. I will get there on Sunday somehow.
In the meantime I greet you your faithful Jake
My dear Louisa,
Your letter from last Monday arrived yesterday evening and I was very happy to hear from you. I expected a letter from you on Saturday. I should have known that you wouldn't write unless you got a letter from me first. That is the way you are. But let's not be enemies. I feel pretty good and I don't need anything except for a few thousand dollars to set up house. You really scared me with your list in your letter. We don't have to buy at Sticks we can go to another store. I talked to Will Heinen last Saturday about renting Henry's house, but he had rented it out a few days before. I found another one for rent close to the Heinen's house. I am going to take a look at it. It looks like a barn on the outside, but I haven't seen the inside yet.
I am sorry about your job; but you must know what you are doing. I wouldn't like it either if my boss would cut my pay. I knew you would be disappointed that I didn't come down on Sunday. I worked very hard on Saturday and I was very tired and on Sunday it was too cold. I would love to see you this week but we are very busy. We have orders for 10 car loads of flour and therefore we have to work day and night. I will try to come down next Saturday. Eda F. was in Lawrence on Monday and Tuesday. We are getting a new postmaster in Tonga and they are building three new brick homes. That is more than you can say about Lawrence.
Good bye my Honey Jake
My dear Louisa,
I finally have a little time this morning so I will write you a few lines. I know that you are waiting for a letter. I don't have anything special to tell you, except that I worked from Monday at noon until Tuesday morning. We are short on water again. I still have my cold. I hope you feel better.
Dr. Abdellacee and Mrs. Feil were here yesterday. The doctor had to do surgery on Gilliland. He had an infection on his leg. He is staying with his father-in-law Metz. Will has company from St. Louis Mr. Fischer and his brother. I don't know yet if I can come next Saturday. I would love to see you.
From your faithful Jake
Dear Louisa,
Don't know anything else to write except that it is very cold this morning. You probably noticed the same thing when you were going to work. We are working nights again. I don't get up until 8:00 o'clock. Will asked me if we would come out next Thursday. Eda wants to know it. She is planning on butchering a big goose. Please let me know if you want to come or not. You can do what you want. I promised Eda that I would be there. But it also depends on the weather. I got sore legs from the long march on Sunday. I hope it didn't bother you. I don't know yet if I will be able to come next Sunday.
From your faithful Jake
November 28, 1893
Dear Louisa,
I received your letter on Saturday evening. I was expecting it, but didn't know if you received my letter early enough to answer me last week; but I see that the postmaster did get the letter out in time. I couldn't have come last week even if I wanted to. I had to work Saturday night since Bigsby went home. I didn't get to bed until 6:00 a.m. on Sunday morning and I got up at 1:00 p.m. The weather wasn't very nice. I bet you didn't go for a long walk. I stayed at home and read. On Thursday I will be waiting for you at the Depot and I will make sure that you get home safely.
Love you Jake
December 29, 1893
Dear Louisa,
This will be the last love letter that you will receive from me and I think you will be happy about it. I had to listen to a lot of whispering since last Tuesday. Everyone seems to know something. I am having a hard time finding a place they are old barracks with no room. I wished you could be here to find a house, as I don't want you not to like it. It looks like the weather is going to be nice. I got a letter from Ed. The two Bangs will be coming to the wedding. I went to see Judge Norton on Tuesday but he was not in the office. Don't have any other news. Good Bye until tomorrow afternoon if I don't miss the train.
From your Jake 2
Tonganoxie Monday
I just found out that I have to work tonight. I will write to you later.
Greetings J.F.
Kind Remembrance;
Another Candidate! Mr. Ed. Freienmuth got engaged to his young, slender neighbor Miss Marie Quast. We congratulate!
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