Hiawatha World, July 1912


James F. Shortridge was born in Wayne county, Ind., Jan. 11, 1832, and died in Hiawatha, Kans., July 2, 1912, aged 80 years, 5 months, 22 days. On Sept. 30, 1856, he was united in marriage to Sarah Coffin at Pleasant Plain, Iowa. The 50th anniversary of their wedding was celebrated and the following 30th of May in 1907, Mrs. Shortridge passed away.

To this couple were born five children, two sons and three daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Shortridge came to Brown county in 1869, locating near Willis. For 34 years they lived on the same farm.

During the winter of 1889-90, Mr. Shortridge was converted and united with the Baptist church. A few years ago he united with the Wesleyan Methodist church in Willis. Since his conversion he has lived a consistent faithful Christian life and during his last long illness of seven months he frequently expressed his joy in the Lord and his faith in Christ as a Savior.

He was ever patient in suffering and after all that loving hands and most careful attention could do he fell asleep in Jesus. He died at the home of his son, Oscar, at 212 Iowa street.

Besides this son, there survive his other children, W. A. Shortridge and Mrs. Anna Ford, of Larkin, Kans., Mrs. Nina S. McCoy, Oneida; and Mrs. Mary Bennett of Foss, Okla.

Funeral services were conducted at the home of Oscar Shortridge at 3 o'clock, Wednesday afternoon by Rev. A. G. Keast, of Oneida, a friend of the family, and interment made in Claytonville cemetery. At the cemetery Rev. A. E. Ryan, of Willis, read the ritual service. The bereaved have the sympathy of their many friends in their sorrow.

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